Chapter Eleven

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Kane had thought he had seen fear in Mason's eyes back at the party, but no. What he saw in his eyes now, that was true fear. Mason froze, his eyes the only proof that he had heard the words leaving Kane's lips.

Kane repeated the words again. He needed Mason to react. He couldn't have him frozen. "There are rogues coming."

Mason's breaths grew more rapid. "W-What?" he muttered out between huffs. "Are they going to hurt us?"

The fear in Mason's voice made Kane's chest hurt. He felt like his mind was running at a million miles a second, every scenario and thought running through his mind. He needed a plan. He took a deep breath. He was a Beta. He was going to be second in command one day. Kane knew that this was the time to put everything he had learnt into practice.

He listened to the voices, the footsteps. There was too many of them to fight. They were quite far away, they wouldn't have noticed them yet, if they were lucky. Kane knew how fast Mason could run, but that was before he had chased him through the woods for god knows how long. Mason couldn't run that fast now, and that was what they needed. They had to get to the Alpha before the rogues got to anyone else.

"Kane," Mason whispered in a forced calm tone, "What do we do? Are they-"

Kane could tell how scared Mason was. He decided in that split second that he would do anything to keep this boy safe. It wasn't just his duty that made him think that. This boy had trusted him, and he had made a promise he didn't intend to break. He needed Mason to truly trust him if they were going to get out of this alive.

"You need to leave," Mason told him between breaths. "Leave me and run to the pack."

Kane didn't even consider the idea. "I am not leaving you here. That's not even an option."

"I can't let you die for me too," Mason whispered so low that Kane almost missed it.

He gently grabbed Mason by the forearms. "No one is going to die. I won't let them hurt you, I promise."

Something must have suddenly changed because Mason's whole demeanour changed. His breathing slowed. "I believe you. How are we going to get out of here?"

"I'm going to transform and I need you to jump onto my back. You're too tired to run back, it's too far. You'll have to hold on as tight as you can."

He expected Mason to ask questions, to worry about falling off or to refuse and want to run himself. Instead he nodded quickly, complete trust in his eyes. "Run fast. I'll hold on."

Kane wasted no time. He fell to the ground, his bones shifting. He dropped so that he was flat on the ground and suddenly the weight of Mason was on his back. He waited until he felt Mason's fingers wrap around his fur and then he was off, running as quickly and quietly as he could.

He ran quickly, his steps calculated. Kane was constantly aware of the weight on his back, trying to keep Mason steady as he dodged trees and jumped over fallen logs. His thoughts jumped to Nora, back at the house. He had to keep her safe.

Kane could feel Mason bury his face into the fur behind his head. Kane wondered if he was okay. He probably wasn't. He thought about what Mason had said back there, I can't let you die for me too. What did that mean? Who had died for Mason before?

Kane didn't have enough time to ponder those questions, instead he tried to focus on running. He pushed his feet against the leaf covered ground has hard as he could, using it to bound him further forward with every step. He had to make it to the house. He considered going straight for the Alpha's house, but he wasn't sure if he would even be there, and Tyler's house was closer. He wondered if Nora came into play as well. Would he have really run in another direction to his mate if rogues were on their way?

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