Chapter ONE.

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My name is Noami Parker. I'm 16 years old and I'm a sophomore in high school. I live in Atlanta, Georgia. Well, let me rephrase that and say I did because we are now moving to Louisiana. Not that I don't like Louisiana, I mean I'm from there. But I haven't lived there since we moved away when I was two.

I'm the only child. So, I had no brothers and sisters to live with. Unless I stayed with my dad. He had three kids. On his side I have one brother and one sister and I'm the baby. The reason we moved to Georgia was to live with my aunt and uncle.

Anyway, I'm 5'5 very skinny with a little booty. To me, my hair is really short but very long to others.

It's the second semester of school and I'm going to NortWest High. It's cool, because my brother that I was just talking about goes there. So, I'll have somebody to talk to.

When we pulled up into the house's driveway, I was already ready to go back to Georgia. The house was red and had a big backyard which was decent. When we went inside to look around I took everything in. The house had three bedrooms and 2 1/2 bathrooms. 'It's better then nothing' I thought. In Georgia we were living in the projects.

The neighborhood looked peaceful but looks can be deceiving. Our block also was nearby a park. My cousin Diamond came to visit and help me unpack.

Diamond is one of my cousins that's on my dad side. I met her when I was visiting my dad one summer. We instantly clicked , and since then we've been close.

"Do you know what school you going to?" Diamond asked me curiously.

"Yeah, I'm going to NorthWest High." I said with a small smile trying to at least look somewhat enthused.

"OH my GOD, I go there." Diamond yelled loudly jumping up and down like she had just won the lottery.

She even got me excited from her reaction to my response. I was so happy that Diamond went to NorthWest High because now I'd have more than just one persons to talk to.

"Hey, you wanna walk to the park?" Diamond asked hoping I'd say yes by the big smile on her face.

"Sure, maybe I'll meet a cute boy. You never know." I said making us both laugh. When we walked out my room I quickly peeked in their bedroom and told my momma we were going to the park.

We headed out the door and walked down the block until we reached the park. As we got closer we walked past the basketball court and I instantly laid my eyes on a fine boy. I guess he felt me looking at him because he looked straight at me making me quickly look away.

"What's wrong with you?" Diamond asked snapping her fingers in my face.

"Who is that fine ass boy?" I asked biting down on my lip as Diamond looked up to see who I was talking about.

"Don't look he'll see you!" I raised my voice slightly shoving Diamonds arm.

"Then how am I supposed to tell you who he is if I can't look?"

"Okay, look quickly then." I instructed her but before she could look up to see, he was walking towards us.

"Hey, I saw you looking at me." The boy said with a smirk.

"Shit, you saw that?" I asked nervously already knowing he did.

"Yeah I did. I'm K.D."

"Well, hey K.D. I'm Noami."

"Noami, that's a sexy name." K.D said with a smile making me smile with him at his compliment.

"Hey K.D. I'm Diamond. Nice talking to YOU too." Diamond chimed in to make it known she was still standing here as well.

"My bad ma." K.D laughed while I just shook my head at her for ruining our little moment.

'Wait a minute. Did he just say ma?' I thought in my head.

"Not to be rude K.D. but I told you my name was Diamond, and I didn't birth you. So. I'm not your ma."

Lord why did he get her started?

"I'm sorry Diamond." He said putting emphasis on her name.

"That's better." Diamond said with a smirk. K.D. was very cute.

He looked about 6'3, he had a tattoo that said 'RIP Granny'. He had dark chocolate skin with brown eyes. "So, what school you go to Noami?" He asked finally breaking the silence.

"NorthWest High." I answered looking up at him.

"Really?? I go to NorthWest and I never saw you there."

"That's because I just moved here, I start tomorrow." I pointed out realizing I should've just said that in the first place.

"Good don't be a stranger." He said while a big sexy grin spread across his face.

"I won't." I said while blushing and looking down at the ground.

"Well we are about to leave, we gotta ready for your first day tomorrow." Diamond said directly to me ignoring K.D probably because she was probably still rubbed the wrong way from him calling her 'ma'.

"Yeah, because first days of school are soooo much fun." I said sarcastically with a slightly eye roll hearing K.D laugh.

"Well before you go can I get your number?" He asked looking down at me.

"Sure." I said exchanging numbers by writing mine on his hand and his on mine. After he ran back to his friends Diamond and I turned around and left.

"See. I told you I was gonna meet a cute boy." I said to Diamond while pushing her lightly.

"Mhmm, but you better watch it for K.D. because he's a man whore AND he got a baby on the way." Diamond told me. That made my eyes widen hearing her tell me more about what she know of this K.D.

After Diamond left all I could think about is what she said. I wonder why he didn't tell me. When I walked in my room, I heard my phone vibrating and when I looked at the number I realized it was K.D. I had to put him in my contacts officially before I forget which I quickly did because checking the message.

KD - Hey beautiful .

Me - Hey🙂

KD - Wyd?

Me - Just getting out the shower.

KD - Thats good cause I thought, I was smelling you at the park.

Me - Haha, no you were smelling yourself.

KD - Haha, maybe.

Me - Ain't no maybe.

KD - Yes ma'am.

Me - Haha

KD - Well get some sleep beautiful, you have a long day tomorrow.

Me - Awe okay. Good Night.

KD - Good Night, don't let the bedbugs bite.

Me - Damn, haven't heard that in a while. And same to you.

KD - 😌

KD is cute he's not my boyfriend material after still remembering what Diamond told me. But even though I told myself that I laid in the bed and all I could think about was KD and his facial features.

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