Meeting the twins

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This is what Marcus and Lucas look like when you meet them👆

(Y/N)- your name

(Y/E/C)- your eye color

(Y/H/C)- your hair color

(Y/L/N)- your last name


Marcus and lucas age 14( they're not a year older just 9 months older)

Your age 13

9th grade....this year is going to be state, new me. This is going to be.. Your thoughts got interrupted by boys trampling over you in the hallway. You brushed yourself off and kept walking. Ok...that hurt, but that will not ruin my day, I still think that today will be... "Watch it loser" A girl older than you said bumping into you causing you to drop all your stuff. And this is what I get for trying to be a optimistic person. You thought. "5 minutes in high school and its already a bad experience" You said picking your stuff from the floor. Where's my pencil pouch. "Ya know talking to yourself wont make your high school experience any better" You herd a voice say behind you . You turned around and was faced with the most handsome boy you've ever seen. He has the cutest accent, dark hair and hazel eyes. "First year huh." The boy said smiling. He may be a couple of inches taller than me, but he's definitely my age. " Isn't your first year too" You said back. " In high school yes, in Maryland no" the boy said walking closer to you but not to close. " I think this belongs to you" he said pulling your pencil pouch from behind his back. You reached for it but he held it up out of your reach. "Hey!" you said getting annoyed. "Answer these questions and I'll give it back" the  boy said still smiling. " What's your name  and what state did you come from" the boy said looking at you with his pretty hazel eyes. "I'm (Y/N) and I came from Florida" you said as the boy gave you your pouch back. "Wow, why would you move from one of the best states to a small town in Maryland" the boy asked confused. "It's a story for later" You said wanting to just go to class. "Great, you can tell me in 2nd,3rd, 4th and 5th period" the boy said walking away. "How rude of me, I didn't tell you my name" the boy said walking back. "I'm sir Lucas Dobre, It was wonderful meeting you madam (Y/N)" Lucas said bowling. Shakespeare...really, he's a nerd just like me. " Well sir Dobre it was nice being in your presence, please come again" you said bowling since you don't wear dresses to show girl courtesy. "Shakespeare, I like you already, see you in 2nd period my fair maiden" Lucas winking at you then walking away. You just stood there like an idiot thinking about what just happened.


Room B115 in the STEM building (STEM stands for Science Technolgy Enginering Math). You stood outside the math room and gave yourself a pep talk(you're a wierd person😜). I can do this, I'm bad at math but this year is going to be diffrent. " Do you regret coming to school new girl" said a kinda familer voice behind you. You turned around The same guy from earlier. "My name isn't 'new girl'" You said. "Then tell me you're name" He said walking up to you. "Umm, I told you 5 minutes ago" You said. He looked confused for a second then smirked. "Well, let me put it this way, that wasn't me you meet 5 minutes ago, and why do you keep looking at me like that" he said with a weird expression on his face. "You remind me of  this gymnist my mom looked up to when she was younger, Audre I think" You said trying to remember her name. "Aurelia Dobre, won the 1987 world championship." He said smiling. "Yeah, that's the one." You said pointing your finger at nothing. "I'm Marcus Dobre, willing to tell you anything" He said walking into the classroom. I thought his name was Lucas. You thought while walking into the classroom. "Are you (Y/N) (Y/L/N)" the teacher said sounding not happy to be here. "Yes." you answered although he pronounced your first and last name wrong. " You can sit behind Dobre" He said pointing at Lucas........or Marcus?  You walked to the desk and looked straight into his eyes and he looked straight into your (Y/E/C) eyes. His beautiful hazel eyes gave you that feeling, the feeling of safeness all of a sudden you got nervous. You sat down and said nothing to each other the whole class period.


Little did you know that the feeling that you felt around the two boys was your first feeling of love and a life long friendship

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