One Little Letter

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Hermione P.OV
I looked down at the small little letter that brought me so much joy. It was just a piece of paper with words on it but the words were magical. For those of you who are just dim enough to not know this. I got a letter. What letter you ask well I have gotten my Hogwarts letter. I am 20 almost 21 now and Hogwarts has been rebuilt. So this is how I got my letter.
Flashback - 15 minutes ago
"Mione, Can you go check the mail dear." My aunt asked. You see I found my parents in Australia but there memories couldn't be brought back. So instead I am living with my aunt, Hannah. "Yeah sure." I got up from the table and grab a jacket. I saw the mailman just now coming by. "Hey James. How are you." I smiled at him. "I'm fine Hermione. You still checking up on your parents." I nodded sadly. He gave me a sympathetic look and have me my aunt's mail. "Oh and Hermione, I found this around the corner. It's for you. And it was delivered by an owl. Man if they can deliver all mail that'll make my job easier." I laughed at him and took the letter. "Thanks James. See you tomorrow." I ran back inside and shook of the coldness. "Oh Mione. I don't see why you try and flirt with him. He obviously wants me. Maybe that's why he talks to you." My annoying and slutty cousin, Diann said. "Yeah whatever. Also I want you to know he is 13 years younger than you. So that is pretty much illegal. God get over it. He is 19, you are 32. It is so not happening. Not with me and him and not with you and him. So just go back upstairs." I say just loud enough for my aunt and Diann's sister to hear. "Oh god Diann don't tell me you are still trying to date that young boy. He is so much younger than you. Why are you still trying. He doesn't even like to talk to you let alone date you." My favorite cousin, Yasmine told her. "Whatever" Dianne ran up to her room stomping. I looked at the letter James have me. It was from Hogwarts. I looked at it then at my aunt. "Hermione dear that's not what I think that is right " I nodded at her. "Oh My Gosh. I can't believe it. You can go back. I thought they said it couldn't be rebuilt that fast." I smile. "Well that's the wonders of magic I guess." "We'll open it already. " I practically ripped open the letter and read it out loud.
"Dear Ms.Granger,
Hogwarts has been rebuilt and we are happy to say that you have been selected to come back for you 7th/8th year at Hogwarts. All 7th and 8th years will not sleep in there common rooms but in the Room of Requirement as there own common room. You along with 99 other students have been welcomed back. The password to the common room is "guerra è finita" meaning war has ended in Italian. Hopefully you will come back. Also 8th years will be given there own table in the great hall, A list of professors are down below and thank you so much for reading
Headmistress- Minevra McGonagall

I shook my head in disbelief but the fact that it was real. I can go back. I can be with my friends. This is a miracle. I look at the list of professors and what I see is unbelievable.
Professors of 2000
Transfiguration- Lily Evans, Ghost
Charms- Remus Lupin, Ghost
Potions- Severus Snape, Ghost
DADA- James Potter, Ghost
History of Magic-  Cuthbert Binns
Astronomy- Gabriela Commons
Herbology- Neville Longbottom (He will still be attending as a student)
Arithmancy- Magnolia Bennett
Muggle Studies- Lisa Louis
Divination- Lavender Brown, Ghost
Ancient Ruins - Myla Horace
COMC - Luna Lovegood (Will be attending as a student)
Auror Training - Nymphadora Lupin,Ghost
Pranking 101 - Fred Weasley,Ghost (Don't not use what you learn outside of class)
Animagus - Sirius Black, Ghost
How to be charming- Cedric Diggory, Ghost

I smile at it. Wow Mcgonagall really put some effort into this. I can not wait to see Harry's reaction. All the people that died for him are teaching him. His parents, Sirius, Remus, Fred, Tonks heck even Cedric. I looked at the calendar and see it is August 30th. That gives me two days. I run upstairs and pack everything. I figured I can use tomorrow to go to Diagonally. God I can't wait.

Flashback Over
Yeah so here I am. In my room smiling like a maniac. I think I'm going to get some sleep. I lied down and went to bed dreaming about Hogwarts.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 30, 2017 ⏰

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