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I woke up to the yelling down stairs of this shitty hell hole you would call a home, I would call a living hell. I groaned and rolled onto my side to see it was only 6 in the god damn morning and my parents were fighting. You had to be kidding me! I slowly sat up with a quiet yawn and rubbed my eyes, opening them to see eye liner smudged onto my small hands. ''Really?'' I sighed to myself and stood up onto the cold wooden floor board of my room, making sure to skip the broken squeaky board that I hid my stash under. ~

After I got out of the long, hot shower, that I probably could have made a bit less hot, I walked back to my room with the towel wrapped around my body. I ignored the small stinging on my upper thigh, not thinking of it as much of a big deal. I pulled my clothes onto my body, my normal apparel of black skinny jeans and a random band tee. This time I settled for Black Veil Brides as it was my favorite band. I drew on the skinny line of black under my eyes and swiftly combed my eye lashes with mascara. After I was finished getting ready and thought I looked alight, I walked down the stairs to see my father drunk off his ass and my mum yelling at him. I cleared my throat and looked between them, sighing. ''I'll uhm... Be at school.. Bye.'' I quickly said and walked out of the prison I forced to live in.


-Harry's POV.-

    After I took a nice shower and got my converse on, it was now off to school. I know in science we were doing some project that was more than excited for, don't get me wrong, but I really didn't need a partner... I get its the rules, but I'm fine being on my own. Mr. Percy should understand that, he has seen my grade average right? That scary girl Monica is in that class... What if I get stuck with her as my partner?? She'll rip my head off! I thought of all of this as I walked to school, alone like usual. I only had one friend.. I don't get why not many people like, I think I'm pretty snazzy. Snazzy? Okay I understand... I sighed as I walked up and looked around, starting to chew on my lip. I hated this school... I starred down at my feet, not wanting to look up to see all the weird stares of people judging me.. Right as I looked up my body slammed into a girl, smaller than me, with brown hair.. Wearing black... SHIT. ''What the hell, Harry!'' She spat angrily, shoving me away from her. ''Watch where your going or ill do more than push you.'' She rolled her eyes before walking away and leaving me with my backpack on the floor. 3 more weeks is all I thought. 3 more weeks and it was summer break.. Graduation... I couldn't help but to smile at the thought, I couldn't wait to go to University at NYU in America. It was always my dream.. I shook my head when I heard the bell ring, my eyes widening and quickly picking up my bag. ''I'm going to be late!'' I almost screeched, ignoring the people looking at me as I ran down the hall to class. This is going to be a long day...


-Monica's POV.-

It was now after lunch, which of course I ditched and went to the mall for a bit, and I had science. This stupid class I've been dreading to get too. I didn't want to do any of this project, and I know I was going to get stuck with some stupid idiot that thinks I'm doing this project for him. That persons funny if they think I am... I sat down in the back as usual, that stupid Harry kid sat next to me and shot him a glare. It's not that I hated him, but I didn't like him. He flinched slightly as I glared and I couldn't help the small laugh that escaped my lips. It was pretty funny how scared he was of me, being a guy and all. He pretty much towers over me with my small figure, and I had to admit he was pretty muscular. He could be pretty popular if he lost those damned kakis' and that stupid button up. Why does he dress like that? My attention was pulled away and I looked up at the teacher as he walked in. He started talking about stupid things I didn't know what were, something about Protons? I don't know.. And then the project. Fuck. He pulled out that stupid hat he always has, shaking it a bit to show that there were small pieces of paper on in. It looked almost a million years old with the small rips in the small fabric, I'm not touching that stupid thing. He brought it all around to everyone and I could hear the groans and yays from people around the room when they found out who they had as they're partners. Why do we need partners again? It got to Harry and I watches as he pulled the piece of paper out and opened it. His face dropped and he looked kinda worried? He turned to face me and my eyes widened. ''Oh hell no.''

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