Dating murphy would include

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-Rough sex (You know with Murphy it's gotta be in there somewhere on the list getting it out of the way)

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-Rough sex (You know with Murphy it's gotta be in there somewhere on the list getting it out of the way)

- brooding

-you teaching him how to throw knives

-him teaching you how to use guns

-him stumbling around drunk telling people how beautiful you are "This is my girlfriend, she is so pretty I'm gonna marry her some day."

-staying up late just talking

-traveling with him to the city of light

-him being the first to apologize after a fight cause he knows he was wrong

-never wanting kids cause your afraid you'll screw them up

-Going crazy together in the lighthouse bunker

-constant sarcasm

-trying to stop the 100 from hanging him

-Trying to stop him from hurting Bellamy

-you being the only one that's able to calm him down

- him letting you braid his hair

-reminding him he's one of the good guys despite his flaws

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