Oh Dear Brother

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When Elsie entered the house, all she could hear was silence. In the Realm home, this was as weird as violet pigs flying through a candy laden sky.

She looked back at her parents, who were unloading the beach picnic stuff from the car and shrugged, knowing they would take some time.

She decided on giving herself the mission of finding out the mystery of the silent home. Heh.

Jake was supposed to be home and that usually meant that the sound of COD and of Bree, Jake's best friend, would be echoing through the house. Considering that the living room was empty and the kitchen was somewhere her brother went sparingly, Elsie was sure that Jake could be found in his room. She hesitated before going upstairs, unsure of the consequences.

Not that Jake's room was a mess, but Elsie was kind of prohibited from entering her sibling's room. Still sure that it was not her fault that a lot of her supplies ended up on his bed. She wrinkled at the weird scent that seemed to be wafting through the house. Jake must have used the microwave oven to dry his gym clothes. Again.

But this was her mission and so anything was fair game. Thinking so, Elsie trooped upstairs and into her brother's room.

Only to see the sight of Jake Realm akimbo on his bedroom floor, seemingly unconscious.

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