Chapter 26

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"What are you doing here Ryder?" Richards voice was cold, his knuckles white from gripping the door.

Ryder stepped in, tugging off the leather jacket hanging loosely over his shoulders. A scar snaked up his arm, winding in with multiple tattoos. He was breathtakingly handsome just like the rest of them, his eyes the color of the sky right before a storm. They flashed with the warnings of lighting and his voice rumbled like thunder. I stood behind Michael, taking him in.

"That's what people do don't they?" he asked sarcastically. "When they are out of money, house, and a job they usually come home."

"This is no home of yours." Richard spat, his voice cutting like knives.

Ryder chuckled darkly, his black eyebrows drawing upwards in mirth.
"Oh really now? Because I wasn't a good boy like perfect over here," he gestured to Michael. "I don't get to have a home anymore?"

"Shut up Ryder." Michael said, his stance defensive.

"Cute little bro." he just laughed. His eyes clicked on to me and I realized he was just now noticing I was in the room. "Ah, you even have a little girlfriend now too huh? How's it going beautiful?" he winked, a smirk crossing his face. Michael moved closer to him, poking a finger into his chest.

"Listen," he said, his voice poison. "you have no fucking right to come in here and mess with my family and my girlfriend. No one asked you to come back."

Ryder slapped his hand away, his stance measuring up to Michaels. "Yeah, well I didn't ask to come back either, stupid." he spat. "But I had to. I have nowhere else to go. I just need to find a job and somewhere I can live on my own then I'm out of here alright?" his voice had risen with every word and he was nearly shouting now.

"Alright, this is enough."

Angie stood in the middle of all three men, their muscles like lions, poised and ready to attack at any moment. She ran a hand over her hair, her vision bouncing from one man to the next. "Listen, obviously the tension here is thick and none of us are on very good terms. But, I think we need to all calm down and get along."

Her gaze landed on Ryder, a warning layered in her gaze even I could feel. She was not a threatening looking woman but her presence demanded attention and respect and all three men fell silent. The tick of the clock seemed too loud and the lamp seemed too bright and the breathing seemed too heavy. I was afraid to move even an inch.

"Ryder, there is a spare room you can use." she said. Richard unfroze and gave her look but she ignored it.

"Thanks ma." he said, throwing his jacket over his shoulder. With a few more glares at the other men and another wink thrown in my direction, he disappeared down the hallway, a slight sway in his body. His jeans fit tightly around his legs, his shirt sporting a small tear in the back.

"Angie, he cannot stay here." Richard protested as soon as he was out of ear shot.

She raised her hands at him. "Now listen Richard, no matter what he has done, he is still your son and part of the family. It's not forever but we can still help him."

"Why?" Michael asked. "He turned our back on all of us."

"Yes, and look where it got him. Do you want to end up the same way?" she asked. "We are family and family sticks together. You know that, I've taught you better."

He grunted and rolled his eyes. "We're leaving now." he said icily, grabbing his keys from the hook. "Come on Adelaide."

I gave Richard and Angie a sorry look before following him out of the house. My heels crunched over the gravel as I followed him quickly. He opened my door for me and shut it hard without a word. He got in and started the car, backing away from the magnificent house. His jaw was clenched, his fingers gripped tightly around the wheel.

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