Chapter 41

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"You're late."

I gave Harry as smile as he climbed through my window, his black clothes blending in with the moonless night. He flashed me a grin before clumsily tripping into my room, his boots clattering across the floor.

"I just got back from a traumatizing trip, give me a break." he joked.

I smiled again, but my insides started to swim slightly at his words. My eyes darted to the cut above his eyebrow and the heaviness settled over my chest. He sensed my discomfort as he took off his jacket.

"Hey," he said, coming to stand in front of me, his knuckle tilting my chin up. "it's okay. I'm here, and it's okay."

I gave him a one shoulder shrug, searching his forest green eyes. "I know. I was just worried. I mean Ryder got shot for goodness sake."

He grimaced. "Yeah. I guess that wasn't too good."

I rolled my eyes and flopped on the bed. "You think?"

He stood there at the end of the bed, his hand propped on his waist, looking at me. I suddenly felt self conscious and sat up on my elbows.


"Hmm?" he asked, snapping out of his trance. "Oh, nothing. Just thinking."

I nodded, sitting cross legged. "Want to talk about it?" I asked, patting the empty spot beside me. He grinned and dropped on to the mattress.

"No, I think I'm alright." he said. He flopped back on to the pillows, stretching out his tall frame. "Just tired."

I glanced at the clock, reading the green digital numbers. "Well it's only eleven thirty but we can go to bed now if you want."

"Well actually," he said, popping an eye open and looking at me. "I can't stay over tonight. I just came by because I had some time to kill."

My heart dropped, disappointment flashing across my face. "Why aren't you staying?"

He shrugged. "I just think I need to be at home tonight. I just spent the last four nights somewhere else, and one was locked up in a warehouse, so it would be good for me."

I frowned. "Harry, what exactly happened in LA?"

Moments ticked by before he sighed and then spoke. "Basically, we got tangled up with some bad people. But it's over now."

I nudged his leg with my toes so he would look at me. "Are you sure you're okay?"

He nodded, laying a hand on top of mine. His touch was warm and comforting, the cool metal of his rings pressing against my flushed skin. "I'm good Adds. You don't need to worry about me."

I nodded slightly. "I guess."

He gave me a wink before settling back down and closing his eyes again. "On a different note," he started. "have you happened to read anything interesting lately."

I furrowed my eyebrows. "What do you mean? Like a book?"

"I guess." he said. "A book or something somebody may have written...or something."

I looked at him, his letter flashing through my mind. My eyes darted to the drawer where I had left it and I had a sudden urge to take it out and read it right that very moment.

"No." I said slowly, peeling my eyes away from my desk before curiosity got the best of me. "Why?"

"No reason." he said. "Just wondering."

"Ah." I replied, raising an eyebrow. I leaned forward, pressing my hand to his forehead. "You sure you're okay?"

He chuckled and opened his eyes, his fingers wrapping around my wrist. "How's this for okay?"

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