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The spherical bulk of Blink Station Alpha, the command node of the Blink operatives' network across human space, skulked in the midst of an asteroid field, its presence masked by signal jammers, sensor scrubs and the planet's worth of building-sized rocks floating in its immediate vicinity. Concealed from prying eyes, it was a station marked on no star-chart and recorded in no galactic survey. For all intents and purposes, it didn't exist. In the unlikely event someone did manage to stumble across the hidden base, a range of much more direct defences waited for unwanted interlopers. Patrol squadrons of armed Blink shuttles flew in constant surveillance patterns, supported by formidable batteries of high-gauge rail cannons embedded on nearby asteroids and on the station exterior itself. To most of the human population of the galaxy, Blink Station Alpha was an unwelcoming place.

But as Amber approached it the little voice in her head said, 'home'.

She guided her ship toward the main hanger, through the small but constant trickle of shuttles and military corvettes that flowed in and out of the station. The navy warships slid elegantly by, shaped like long ovular blades that bristled with armaments. Amber navigated between them with the ease of an expert. While she had limited solo flight experience, her training and test scores were exceptional. Only Darien currently held a higher score on the rec-room simulator.

As her arrowhead craft floated into the gleaming white-walled bustle of the hanger she felt a tremendous sense of belonging. It was all so familiar to her – she wanted to get back into the thick of life as an operative. The automated guidance kicked in as she drew close to the docking cradle and she relaxed back into the pilot's chair. When she looked down toward the waiting bay she spotted a familiar pair of figures waiting for her and a smile spread across her face.

The shuttle descended into its cradle and she heard the muffled clanking sounds as the docking arms locked into place. She stood up, pulled the ramp release control and strode the length of the shuttle, descending the ramp with a spring in her step, kitbag bouncing against her hip. Sure enough, Darien and Idas stood waiting for her at the base of the ramp.

"Hey, stranger," she said, pulling Darien into a hug. "Good to see you."


Idas gave her a nod. "Happy to be back, eh?"

"You know, I actually am." She gave him a quizzical look. "Is that weird?"

"I'd tell you yes," the hulking youth grunted. "But apparently I'm the only one around here who considers this to be work."

Darien punched him lightly on the arm. "Yeah, yeah. C'mon, Grumplestiltskin, we've got a briefing to get to." He turned back to Amber. "Go dump your kit. Smith wants us all in briefing room three as soon as possible."

Smiling mischievously, she clicked her heels and saluted. "Yessir!"

"Very funny." He pointed over his shoulder with one thumb. "Get going, missy."

Amber peeled off into a different hallway, making her way toward the main operative barracks where they kept their personal equipment stores. She let her eyes wander and strode through the familiar white-walled corridors, a warm feeling settling in her chest as she took in the familiar hustle and bustle.

Logistics staff scurried back and forth in a constant state of fervent energy as they kept the intelligence network as up to date as possible. Off-duty operatives lounged in the mess hall in their casual clothes, playing games and chatting animatedly about upcoming operations. Other young men and women in the Blink organisation trained in the gymnasiums with their adult instructors, running through hand to hand combat drills and cardiovascular circuits. Firing ranges rang with the crack of weaponry and within sealed rooms operatives-in-training would be practising the skill that made them unique among the billions of humans in the galaxy: Blink travel itself.

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