Zero: Nightmares

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Fleur's pov

I am running through a thick bundle of trees. I can't see, I'm blinded, it's like my eyes have been filled with black liquid. I can't breathe, something or someone is chasing me.

Twigs are snapping behind, leaves tumbling down. Branches flicking in my face scaring me.

I stop and then lean up against a tree to catch my breath. I hear someone moving towards me and then everything seemed to stop.

I pushed myself up off the tree and just stood there. Time itself seemed to stop. That's what I thought.

I turned around and saw something. It's tentacles sticking out of its mouth. It's stretched skin pulled across pulled it's face.

It charged and...

"Fleur!" Addilyn yelled. I was shaken awake by my little sister. Her golden hair was pulled into a quick loose ponytail. I grabbed my phone and checked the time.

"Addilyn, its four in the morning, go back to bed." I rolled over onto my side hoping she'd leave.

But she chucked a pillow at my face. I got up and glared at her. A innocent smile plastered onto her face, she smiled.

"What do you want?" I grumbled sitting.

She ran over to me and sat on my thighs. She leant in close and whispered in my ears.

"There's something outside..." She said.

"Addi, it's probably a animal, go back to bed."

"No, I saw it." She argued.

I huffed, and glared at her, but received a puppy eyes look. I couldn't resist, I shooed her off my bed and groggily put my feet on the cold wooden ground.

I slowly made my way towards my wardrobe, I yanked it open and grabbed a pair of slippers and torch and I wrapped a beanie around my braided hair.

"If there's nothing out there, you owe me a packet of lollies, deal?" I ask turning towards her.

"But-" She started.

"No it's alright, just go out by yourself and search through the woods alone in the darkness." I said, joking of course. I turned and headed back towards my bed, but Addilyn stopped me.

She grabbed my arm and twisted me around.

"So, do we have a deal?" I smirked. She growled and rolled her eyes.

"Fine." She said stuck out her hand and I grabbed it, shaking it firmly.

"A deal it is." I laughed quietly.

A/N: So this is my new original book! It's a MPHFPC fanfic! Enjoy!

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