March 1, 2014 11:09 p.m.

91 0 0

My sister's asleep on the couch next to me. I just finished the second season of American Horror Story and I'm not ashamed to say i'm a bit freightened to sleep. The dark scares me but i love it so much.

My skin itches witht he urge to cut but i have no razors here at my father's house. What a pity. 

If only i could split that one prominent vein i would collaspe to the ground in a pile of my own blood.

It's been a fantasy of mine for a ffew months now. I know that seems like such a short time compared to others but you cannot judge me based on time. My life also may not be as rough as yours but depression is not a goddamn competition.

It's a disease that takes over your body in a tsunami of sadness and drags you under until you are too weak to fight back.

I'm not too sure if I'm weak or strong at the moment but i feel horrible.

My eyes burn from previous hours of crying and freshly shed tears, my head burns from all of the times i've scratched it, itching to cut my tender hips. My bones ache from lying in the same position for hours on end.

Have you ever experienced a time where it hurt to breath? Where it hurt to live? Where it hurt to survive, simply?

It's a horrible feeling i do not recommend as it ahces to type right now. 

I feel like a dissapointment to the world and my family.

They do not love me anyway but what does it matter?

I wore a short sleeve shirt today and no one oticed my scars.

They didnt care to notice.

They are very hard to miss. I've carved the word 'oops' into my arm quite a few times.

How could you not notice your own daughter in so much pain

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