Living with him

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Kai's POV

'Ughh where's (Y/N)?'I was wondering where she is,well I've been looking for her in the whole school but she's nowhere to be found.Even her brother was looking for her.

"Hey Kai!!!"Someone yelled and running towrds me so I turn around and it's Angel

"Have you seen my big sister?"The little boy ask Angel while crying

"Uhmm...Kai who is he and why is he crying?"Angel ask while looking at the little boy

"Ahh him,He's (Y/N)'s little brother"I said while comforting the little boy

"Hey~What's your name?why are you crying?"Angel kneel down untill she reach the boys height.

"(L/B/N)(L/N),I miss my big sister and I can't find her everywhere"the little boy said while sobbing

"Don't worry little boy we'll find your sister"Angel said trying to comfort the little boy

"Really?"The little boy ask while looking at me.

"Yes!"I answered while smilling


My suddenly ring and when I check it it's big brother Ichiro,So I answer it so I can ask him if (Y/N) is with him.

Phone call

Kai:Hello Brother,Uhmm...have you seen (Y/N)?

Ichiro:Yes,she's with me and why?

Kai:Ahh...right,well her little brother was looking for her and we can't find her anywhere

Ichiro:Is that so?then please tell him that he will see his sister tomorrow,ok?

Kai:Okay,I think I should hung up right now brother and please take care her,okay?

Ichiro:Ofcourse I will,by the way bye~


End of phone call

After I hung up the phone I noticed that (Y/N)'s little brother was looking at me

"Hey little boy my brother said that your sister is fine so I guess it's safe when it comes to him,okay?"I said doing my best for him to laugh and smile

"Then when will big sister will come home?"he ask

"Don't worry my brother said that you can see her tomorrow here in the school"I answered while smilling

"O-okay"the little boy said

"(L/B/N)!!!!!Come here already"some yelled calling for him and I look at it.It's (Y/N)'s mother waiting for the little boy.So when the boy heard her he run to her and hug,the mother got in the car with the little boy.

'Ughh finally the day is done and I can go home already'I said to myself

Your POV

''s so boring I need to look for the remote'I said to myself looking for the remote and when I found it I turned the tv on

News reporter

Citizen's found a body of  Jessica Venice on the forest and the cause of death was stab several time and the murderer is nowhere to be found.

'What the hell?Jessica is the leader of the fangirls of Ichiro but how the hell she gets killed?'I wonder off myself until I felt two arms holding my waist and a head leaning in my sholder and I know who already it is so I just ignored it

"Please turn the tv off and focus on me~"He said while smelling my hair and my neck.

"Okay"I answered and turn off the tv and lay down at the bed,While Ichiro follow me and lay besides me and any moment the two of us fall asleep.

(L/B/N)'s POV

Mom just call for me to take me home and mommy didn't ask me where's big sister and why she's not here.It was dinner already and mommy prepared the dinner and after I finished my food I headed to the bathroom and take a bath and headed to my room and wear my pyjama and headed to my bed to sleep

Your POV

It was morning already and I woke up and look at the alarm it's 6:30 already and it's too early 'I guess I have alot of time preparing myself before going to the school' so I jump out the bed trying not to wake Ichiro up 'he looks cute when his sleeping'I said while staring at him and I realised that I'm blushing already so I look away and headed to the bathroom and take a bath.

Time skip~

I finish taking a shower so I headed to the room where Ichiro and I slept.

"So I woke up without having you in my arms"I heard a voice and turn around a see Ichiro standing while staring at me.

"Well,I-I didn't w-w-want t-to wake you up so I w-walk o-out the r-room without waking you up"I explain,He's scary when he ask me that

"Is that so?I guess I better wash myself too and have a breakfast with you"He said while walking away before he closed the door

After he closed the door I immediately take my uniform and wear it.After I fix myself I headed to where the dinner table is and sit there

"Here's the breakfast young lady"The butler said while putting the plate down and walks away.I grab the spoon and fork and started eating.

"Hmmm...I guess you like the breakfast huh?"Some said behind my ears and before I can turn around he quickly kiss my cheek and started to sit beside me and eat.'Well this is awkward'I thought to myself trying to enjoy my food.

Time skip~

Me and Ichiro was in the school already I get off the car and before I can take my things I can feel someone hugging my legs so I look down and see (L/B/N) hugging my legs and crying.

"Sisterrrrr"He said while crying so I bend down my knees to reach his height and hug him

"What's wrong?why are you crying?"I ask him

"I miss you sister"He said while sobbing.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~End of chapter 7~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

I guess he really miss you reader-chan^^
I wish I have younger sibling:(
but I hope you like it^^

You're Mine Only and No one else (Male!Yandere x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now