Sunday April 30

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I woke up in a world at War and I was under servalence with my family. 10k (z-nation) was watching after me and mumble words to me. One night we all were gathered into a room because someone was stealing wires from the servalence tv's and it was all blamed on another guy who worked there. Later on I woke up in the middle of the night and saw 10k was stealing the wires and hiding them so he could escape. The next morning the wire he hid was gone and me and my sister walked off into the city to explore. We came back to new people watching over us, A trucker guy. One night i tried to sneak back in after looking for a way to get everyone out and my path from the front door was blocked by a spire with a huge web. I found a huge bag of cloths u used to break the Web so I can get back in. I saw the leader walking by so I layed flat on the ground near a hill. The trucker guy saw me and used his powers to make me float against a tin wall. My only instinct was to sing to 10k who was near by and he sang back which surprised me because he never even talks. Right before I finish the song the guy rips me in half and I wake up

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 30, 2017 ⏰

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