03 Bad Kookie

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Jungkook opens his eyes slowly, his headache is getting worse as he sits up. He looks around and he figures out that he's in the living room... shirtless. Oh no, where's Rosé? He looks at the watch, 1:26 am, is today Sunday? Ugh, his head is hurt again.

"You're not supposed to sit up."

Jungkook gasps in shock, realizing Rosé just right beside him. He covers his chest immediately, "What have you done to me?!" he shrieks in horror. Rosé widens her eyes, that's so funny, he acts just like a girl.

"Yah! I'm not interested to do something at you, y'know?" Rosé rolls her eyes, handing him a warm tea which he accepts almost immediately from her.

"Tell me what happened then..." he says.

"You did something stupid." Rosé answers, giving him a shirt.

Jungkook gulps down his saliva nervously, he puts the mug on the table, then wearing his shirt quickly as Rosé takes a seat across him. She crosses her arms, looking so fierce as she stares at him expressionless.

"What did I do?" he asks.



Rosé stops as she looks at the kitchen, "Wait a minute." she says as she leaves him.

Jungkook sighs deeply, taking the mug again. He tries to remember what might happened few hours ago. "Uh... what's it?" he mumbles, taking a sip of the warm tea. Suddenly, he widens his eyes as he remember something.


"Hey, Ro-say, do you have, uh... coconut... uh, I mean palm tree... Do you have the shampoo with the palm tree as it's cover?" someone asks few meters away behind her, of course it's Jungkook.

"You mean the one with-" Rosé stops mid-way when her eyes lands on Jungkook.

"JEON JUNGKOOK!!!" she screams as she covers her eyes immediately.

"Ro-say, don't scream... Ssshhh!" Jungkook says.

Rosé turns her body around, uncovering her eyes as she says, "How can I don't scream? I mean, just look at you! You're just throwing up! And it's all over your clothes! It's gross!!! You better wipe your mouth and change your shirt!"

"Uh? I don't get it, Ro-say~ Speak softly." he says.

"Ugh!" Rosé stomps her feet angrily, she walks to Jungkook while throwing a disgusted look at him.

"Hi~ Let's be a friend." Jungkook grins stupidly.

"I hate you!" Rosé mumbles as she pulls up his shirt roughly.

Jungkook covers his chest in shock (still in his drunk state), "W-what are you gonna do? I'm s-still a virgin." he says while Rosé wipes his mouth using his shirt.

"Don't say something stupid!" she flicks his forehead then.

"Ouch!" he groans.

Rosé walks to the washing machine, throwing his clothes into the machine after cleaning 'things-that-coming-out-from-his-stomach' using water. She walks back to the kitchen but she finds no Jungkook around. She checks the living room and voila! He's sleeping in there. Rosé sighs as she walks to his room to check if there's any puke drops from him. Luckily, there's nothing. So, Rosé comes back to the kitchen to make the soup.

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