18 The Call

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Rosé walks into the living room with paints and brushes in her hands. She sits in front of Jungkook who is focusing draw something on the canvas. Rosé grabs a pink colored paint and she pours it to the pallette, eyes on Jungkook's canvas.

"What are you trying to draw?" she puts her chin inside her palm.

"Iron Man." Jungkook answers her.

Rosé frowns at him, "That looks like Power Ranger though. The red one."

"I'm a good artist. Don't judge." Jungkook winks at her.

"Alright, Mr. Confident." Rosé laughs at him as she started to wet the brush with water before she dip the brush into the paint. She starts to draw everything she has in her mind.

For the next one hour, the two of them are busy drawing on their own canvas. The room is really quiet, even a sound of a fly can't be heard by them. Rosé smiles as she notices her work is starting to get done. She glances at Jungkook's work and she lets out a small gasp, making the boy turn to see her.

"What?" he asks her.

"Now it looks like Iron Man. I'm impressed." Rosé gives him two thumbs up.

"Told ya." Jungkook grins at her.

Rosé laughs at him, reaching his cheek with her hand as she wipes a red paint on his cheek, "You worked so hard. What do you want for lunch?" Rosé asks him, focusing back on her canvas.

Jungkook thinks for a moment, "Uh, anything."

He puts away his work as he leans closer to her, checking out her work. "That's a very nice painting, you know." he compliments her. Rosé smiled smugly at him before going back to finish her work. Jungkook observes how she finish the work and voila! It's done.

"Let's lay down for a while." Jungkook says, laying down beside her.

Rosé chuckles at him, putting aside her painting. She lays down beside him, both of them looking at the ceiling. "Hey, Rosé. Tell me something." Jungkook says to her.

"Tell you what?" she asks him.

"Anything." Jungkook mumbles.

"That's absurd." Rosé glances at Jungkook.

A silence fills the room again, Rosé thinks about Yugyeom then. What if he came again? He won't let her go that easily, right? Rosé sighs at the scary thought. If he comes back to get her, will Jungkook be there to protect her? What happened few days ago was the worst. Omo, she hurts Yugyeom. Isn't she just the same as him then? He didn't die right? Jungkook said to her that her previous apartment was empty and he did already clean Yugyeom's blood in her room. Rosé closes her eyes for a moment because hot tears start to gather in her eyes.


No answer.

Rosé opens her eyes, laying on her side to face him, "Jungkook?"

She lets out a small smile when she notices he's sleeping with his lips slightly parted. "It's lunch time, why are you sleeping?" she mumbles in soft voice as she closes her eyes too. And soon, she's falling into the sweetness of dreamland.


Jungkook is stirring himself in his sleep. He finds his right arm is feeling numb because of certain weights on top of his arm. He opens his eyes, letting out a small yawn. His eyes are wide open and he turns his head to his right only to find Rosé sleeps on his arm, and her face is just in front of him. He looks away, his heart is starting to thump rapidly as he doesn't want to move a muscle because he might wake her up.

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