Growing up.

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"I think it's sad when grown up told you to go out and do thing ? What do they think we do all day ? That we just stay in our room and wait ? Sometimes, I think they forgot what is like to be 18, to live your last year in High School and to see your entire life changing. It's scary. It's sad. It's difficulte. And yeah a part of it, is amazing as fuck but still scary. So yes, we stay in our room for hours, talking to our friends that we may lost in the futur months that are coming. We watch tv show with our bestfriend and send text all night to the guy/girl we like. We go out the night and drink to much because we are young and we juste need to believe thing are going to last. Or at least, last a little bit longer. 

So stop giving us advice about our life unless you start to realise that being a teenager -spoile alert- it's not easy."

HEYY EVERYBODYYY ! How are you ? I hope you are ok and life is not to bitchy with you ! 

Anyway, I hope you will like my little texte and if you have some that you'd like me to post, send me a message ! 

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