Chapter 9

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Yugi's mind swirled with endorphins and adrenaline. This gorgeous man actually seemed to like him. This gorgeous man was kissing him...whimpering quietly, Yugi melted into the kiss, returning it naïvely. Yami pulled back, eyes dark, his hand lightly running up and down Yugi's spine. His breath ghosted over Yugi's cheeks as he spoke. "You can sleep in my bed. I'll sleep on the couch." Yami made no move to leave.

"Y...yea." Yugi said, not moving either. As his brain swirled back into some semblance of consciousness, he shook his head slightly. " I am not going to take your bed. I'll sleep on the couch."

Yami got a determined look to his face, his lips twitching up into a smile. "No. You will sleep in my bed. That is non-negotiable. However, I will let you choose where I sleep. I can sleep in a) the couch, b) the small loveseat in my bedroom, or c) the bed with you. You decide."

Yugi gulped, turning forty shades of red. Definitely lewd thoughts started through that "innocent" head. "I...uh..."

Yami chuckled. "It's fine. I'll sleep on the couch."

Yugi let out a breath. This guy was going to kill him.


Atem walked the halls, lost. Well, he actually wasn't lost. His mind was lost. He kept feeling Bakura's lips on his. They were...nice. Well, actually, much more than nice. Atem's loins caught on fire with that kiss. But...he liked Yugi. Did he like Bakura? Did he like Yugi? Bakura was...annoying. Bakura was...always around. Bakura was...infuriating.

Atem snorted, eyes narrowing. This was why he never worried about relationships. They were messy. They screwed everything up. Bakura probably just needed to get laid. Yes, that was it. How dare Bakura toy with him when Bakura just needed to get his rocks off? Turning, Atem stormed to Bakura's apartment.


Bakura slammed his door, throwing his keys on the table. Well, that was fucking stupid, Bakura. You fucking wait this fucking long just to throw it the fuck away? Fuck! Bakura stomped to the bathroom, turning the water on almost scalding. Stripping down, he stepped into the heated spray, eyes closed, letting the water wash over him.

Stupid, stupid, stupid! The thought ran through Bakura's head like an annoying rabbit banging on a drum. Finishing rinsing off, he grabbed the bar of soap and washed himself, running the soapy hands through his hair, shampooing his hair. Rinsing off again, he stepped out, quickly towel drying his hair. He heard the knock on his door and grabbed the towel, wrapping it around his waist. Going to the door, he opened it. "Yea?" Blinking, he was surprised to see Atem. Oh fuckin' great, he's pissed. What the fuck about now?

"How dare you?" Atem hissed, storming in, jerking the door out of Bakura's grasp and slamming it shut.

"How dare I fucking what?" Bakura asked, arms crossed over his chest, watching Atem stomp around all pissed off.

Atem got right up in Bakura's face. "How dare you fuck around with me just because you want to blow your load!" Atem stated, anger dancing in his crimson eyes.

Bakura bristled. "Look, pharaoh, I don't fucking know what the fuck you are talking about, but I'd never play you or Yami that way. I am a fucking asshole, but even I have fucking morals and mudafuckin lines I don't cross. You, of all people, pharaoh, should know that I am fucking loyal. I'm only loyal to two fucking people, and you know it."

Atem sniffed regally, a mask of blasé indifference on his face. "I know nothing, Bakura. You are a snake. The only one you look after is yourself. If you could fuck Yami over to help yourself, you would." Atem didn't believe it while he was saying it. Atem knew that Bakura cared deeply about Yami. That had always bothered Atem. Atem didn't understand what Yami had that he did not that would make someone like Bakura have some kind of blind loyalty to Yami. But he knew it to be true...he knew that Bakura would sacrifice his life for Yami.

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