Chapter 1

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Janitor's room! Janitor's room! Electrical room! Sprinkler room! I ran down the dark hallways of my new school, carefully looking at each door while I wiped away the sweat from my brow. The school had gone into lock down and I was nowhere near any of my regular classrooms. I frantically turned the corner and saw someone closing the door to the sophomore’s math room. “Wait!” I shouted and I ran as fast as my feet could take me toward the room. Whoever was closing the door began to close it faster and when I stood in front of it trying to get it to open, I realized they had thought I was the person who caused the lock down.

Great! I thought, I finally turn eighteen and I'm going to die! I glumly sulked down the hall, thinking I was ready for death. I walked around the corner and I froze. I saw someone in a jet-black sweatshirt and jeans walking down the hall away from me. Their hood was up and they looked extremely big. I finally came to my senses when I saw the gun they were holding in the waist band of their jeans. I tried to slowly back away, but unfortunately there was a trash bin behind me and I tripped and fell and hit my head on the cold, hard floor.

I let out a grunt of pain as I grabbed the back of my head when it quickly dawned on me what I had just done. I had given away my position. I sat up quickly and saw that the person had turned around and was looking at me. The shadow from his hood obscured his facial features and for all I knew his eye's could have been as black as his sweatshirt. A wide smile appeared on his face as he started strolling toward me. I scrambled backwards and stood up. He took big strides and soon began to run. I turned and ran, my lungs burning from the lack of oxygen. I could distinctly hear his large footsteps behind me. I saw an emergency exit and used up the rest of my energy to run full force at it. I pushed and I pulled but the door wouldn't budge.

“Allie!” I heard the man yell. A shiver went down my spine. How does he know my name? I thought, afraid to know the answer. “Allie,” the man said again, this time it was softer, and more calm, “please, just turn around.” His voice got sad and it sounded somewhat familiar. I slowly turned around, looking at every possible exit and trying to think of a way to get away from him. I looked him straight in the eyes and saw that he was actually kind of cute, he was about a foot taller than me and had muscles that even The Rock would be jealous of. I could also faintly see a scar above his left eyebrow. I thought I remembered him from somewhere, but if he was really important to me at some point in my life I would have remembered, right? “Do you remember me?” He asked, his voice barely audible. I shook my head and I could see the look of disappointment in his eyes. “So the rumors are true,” he whispered. His face darkened and I a flash of anger crossed his eyes. He said something under his breath in a different language. I think he was speaking in Russian, and somehow I knew that he had sworn.

“Who are you?” I hissed at him, though my voice sounded more confident than I felt. He ignored me and turned around and began to pace.

“I told them you weren't right for this! But do they listen? No! 'You've trained her well, Aaden. She's ready for this.' Like hell you were ready for this!” His voice became high pitched and really annoying and I assumed he was mimicking someone. I could feel a faint smile appearing on my face and I quickly shook my head and it disappeared.

“What are you talking about?” I yelled at him. My voice was higher and louder than I meant for it to be, and I could feel my face start getting hot. He stopped and turned to me. His eyes were tearing up and a small smirk appeared on his face. His eye's seemed to bore into my soul as he said, “At least one thing about you hasn't changed.” My face got even hotter as butterflies began bombarding my stomach.

Aaden put his back against the wall and slid down on to the floor. He ran his hand through his auburn hair that seemed to glow like a halo in the April morning sunlight. He rested his head in his hands and sighed. My path was no longer blocked and I could see a clear escape, but something made me stay. Something made me want to know this boy, just to make him smile. “I've really missed you Allie. We've been worried sick about you. We knew something was wrong when you didn't call for a week.” What did he mean we? Who is we? As if reading my mind he said, “Your mom and dad have been calling me nonstop since I left to come find you. And your brother was so worried that he came back from Ireland!” But, I don't have a family. They all died years ago.

“You must be mistaken,” I whispered to him, “My family died in a car accident years ago.” My eye's began to water as I thought about it. Confusion filled his eye's, though I could see a slight hint of amusement behind them as well. Did he think that my family's death was funny? I thought to myself. I glared at him, no amount of looks was gonna keep me from kicking this guys ass! “What?” I asked offended.

“Nothing, except...” His voice trailed off and he looked at the different colored tiles on the floor. I crossed my arms over my chest and put most of my weight on one leg to let him know that I was expecting that sentence to be finished. Aaden got up and paced again, but he didn't say a word this time. Then he turned around and walked toward me. My heart started beating harder in my chest as I slowly walked backwards until the wall stopped me. Aaden was right in front of me and then his arms were wrapped around me pulling me closer to him. My heart did a summer salt in my chest and I almost hugged him back. “I've really, really missed you.” He whispered into my hair. “I know for a fact its you Allie. I would recognize those blue eye's anywhere.” He pulled away, and I could feel a frown forming on my face as he did. “Allie, your family didn't die.” He said to me. My frown deepened, and I glared at him again.

“Then where are they?” I asked harshly. He walked back to the wall and fell onto the floor again.

“They're in Boston. Allie, your family's death was just your cover.” He said to me. He looked up at me, his chocolate brown eye's held no emotion now, and it made me feel uncomfortable.

“M-my cover?” I asked nervously, not sure that I wanted to know the answer. A smirk formed on his face and he rolled his eye's. Then he said in a mocking tone, “You know. Those things that spies use?”

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