Chapter 3

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Chapter 3


“But you were prepared to.” As Aaden said the words that I viciously hoped he wouldn't, the tears started coming again. I couldn't help it. The fact that I was ready to be a killer, and I can't remember ever wanting to be, just pushed me over the edge. Before I knew what I was doing my seat belt was off and I was getting out of the car. I could faintly hear Aaden calling my name and fumbling around in the car, but I didn't care. The tears were coming out faster now and I couldn't control myself when I started bawling right there on the side of the highway.

I suddenly felt someone grab my arm and start pulling me back toward the car. I tugged on my arm and a whimpering sound started coming from my mouth. Aaden turned around and looked at me. The look on his face told me that he didn't know what to say. He reached out with his other hand wiped my tears away with his thumb. His hand lingered on my cheek and my head involuntarily started leaning into it for comfort. He let go of my arm and brushed my brunette hair behind my ear. I suddenly noticed how close we were, and it sent a warm feeling down my spine. Aaden started slowly leaning down, just as I started going up on the balls of my feet. I could feel his breath against my lips and I couldn't help but wonder how soap could smell so good on him. Our lips barely brushed when we were startled by a car horn.

I jumped and looked over to the highway. Five guys in a black convertible were driving by us shouting and whistling, and giving Aaden a thumbs up. Completely humiliated, I huffed and stormed back over to the car. Aaden stood there for a minute before I honked the horn at him and he started strutting over. When he got in he had a stupid smirk on his face and he looked like he was having the best day of his life. Idiot. I thought. For a second he just sat there with his stupid grin staring out at the spot where we had almost kissed. I felt myself blush when I looked at it too, and I just wanted to put it behind me.

“Aaden, are you taking me to Boston or not?” I asked with irritation clear in my voice.

“Huh? Oh! Uh... Yeah..” Aaden's voice sounded distant and I didn't know how well I could trust him driving, but considering he still remembered his training and could probably multitask like a champ, I let him.

“Aaden?” I said nervously.

“Mm?” He still wasn't as focused and I didn't know if he would give me a straight answer, but I asked him anyways while it was still in my mind.

“So, we're spies, right? So that means we're part of an agency, right?” I said it slowly, as if I might insult him by saying something wrong.

“Yeah, of course.” He said it like he didn't know where I was going with this.

“Well I was just wondering if we were like, part of the CIA or something?” I looked at him. He was smiling like he knew this question was coming.

“No... Well, I guess you could consider us part of the CIA. We are part of the EGI. Its kind of like an agency for young adults. You can move up when you turn twenty-one.” He looked at me to see if I was taking it all in ok. I was starting to think it was kind of cool actually, the idea of being a spy. Though, I really wished I could remember everything.

“The EGI, huh? Sounds legit,” I said with a smile on my face. Aaden chuckled and smiled back. “What's it stand for though?”

“No one actually knows. Its classified, just incase there are any double agents. Some people like to think that it stands for the Especially Great Intelligence agency.” He laughed, and so did I. “Some of the people that work with us are a little full of themselves.” He laughed as he said it.

“Sounds like it. But we work for our country right? So, they can't be all that bad.” I smiled at him and he smiled back. He looked genuinely happy. I turned the radio back up and we sat in silence again, but this time, it wasn't awkward or uncomfortable. It was just there.

We were both still smiling as we entered the city. We drove by the Boston Garden and I had a small flash back of a Bruins game that I went to when I was a kid. I could have just been part of my cover, but I got a warm happy feeling inside when I thought about it, so I knew it must be real. I smile grew on my face and I could feel Aaden's eyes on me. I felt a blush form on my cheeks and I leaned my head against the window and fell asleep.

I woke up to Aaden shaking me and telling me we were there. I rubbed the grogginess out of my eyes and yawned. I stepped out of the car and Aaden came around to meet me. I looked up at the enormous building we were standing in front of and my heart sank. It was an old warehouse. The white paint was pealing off and most of the windows had been broken, most likely by a local gang. And don't even get me started about how revolting the smell was. Aaden must have seen my disappointment because he said, “Be patient.”

We walked inside, and it wasn't much different from the outside, except the smell was worse. I had put my hands inside my jacket pockets to keep myself from covering my nose. Aaden seemed to be holding his breath too. We walked over to a wall with green graffiti on it. I could barely make out EGI in the faded spray paint and I smiled to myself. Aaden bent down next to a brown barrel that you might see at Niagara Falls. He pushed a cork at the top inside of it and I realized it was a button. I key pad opened up on the wall and Aaden quickly punched in the numbers. He grabbed my hand and pulled me backward. A green circle appeared to the right of the key pad and it closed back into the wall.

“Wrap your arms around me.” Aaden said to me. I looked up at him, confused. “If I'm right you don't remember whats gonna happen and you might wan't to hold on to me.” I listened to him and wrapped my arms around his stomach and I could feel his rock hard abs underneath his thin jacket. I looked up at him.

“Aaden, what is going to ha-” I didn't get to finish, because a clear cylinder rose from the ground around us and the floor beneath us disappeared.


ALRIGHTY!  I hope y'all liked this chapter! Yeah... I just said 'y'all'... It's a little late for me LOL... VOTE IF YOU LOVE SPIES!!!! (Especially sexy ones!) ;D  Don't forget to comment and fan too!!

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