The Girls Personalities

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Crystal,Crimson,Grim and Lyra are best friends. They've been friends for years now. Usually Crimson and Grim get in a lot of fights with each other but in the end they always love each other and forgive each other. Lyra and Crystal met Crimson in seventh grade and met Grim in sixth, while meeting each other in fifth. Now they are graduating High School. They are in the second semester and in the same homeroom but different classes. They always hang out after school either they go to Lyra's house or Crystal's house.
Lyra is really into sports. She likes soccer and is on the girls soccer team in school. She also secretly does boxing and hasn't told her friends or anyone else because she doesn't want people getting another image of her. She's very self conscious and very insecure but very kind hearted and intelligent. She's very good at identifying people meaning she's good at knowing how a person is going to turn out just by the way they act. She also has a little power. Lyra can read minds. This has been happening to her for a while and she has told her friends and even demonstrated it, but when she's forced to read someone's mind she's not able to. It comes naturally and out of no where. Her friends don't know what it is or what it means but they think it's some type of a gift. People say she's very pure because she doesn't curse, party, or anything like that but her friends know her too well. She participates in motorcycle races because she feels like a badass when  she's doing it and makes her feel happy. She loves car racing,motorcycle racing and even watches monster trucks. She loves video games and is a tomboy but mixed with a girly girl too. She loves bands, anime, gaming, Star Wars, and most of all....unicorns. Lyra loves loves animals. Especially wolves and pandas. Lyra doesn't hold grudges unlike Grim and the others. She's easy going and doesn't even care most of the time. She is emotional inside and never acts sad outside. She hides her sadness very well just like Crystal. She also has very good patience and doesn't get angry easily unlike Crimson and Grim who always get angry(especially Grim) on the other hand Lyra is socially awkward and doesn't approach others. She also doesn't have a very good relationship with her family. Her dad left when she was two years old and her mom always gets angry at her for the smallest reasons while her brother is always grumpy and abusive. But she puts a smile on her face everyday and goes on with life because she knows that people always have it worse. She also plays the guitar and sings to herself. Her zodiac is a Sagittarius ♐️
Grim, she's a tough cookie. She's mean and rude on the outside but inside she's sweet and vulnerable. She pretends to be this tough girl because she doesn't want anyone taking advantage. She's had a rough past and has many issues with her family. Basically, her family treats her like Cinderella. She has two older sisters who boss her around and a mother who's never proud. She's very emotional on the inside but very serious on the outside. But Grim isn't like that with her friends. Grim is herself around people who make her feel happy and those are Crimson, Crystal and Lyra. But Lyra has seen her the most hurt and seen her cry. Lyra is the one who encourages her the most and tells her to get back up and fight for what's right and Grim has been doing exactly that. But when she's with Crimson she's the weirdest of all. She's the volleyball captain in school. That's her favorite sport and she's very good at it too. She secretly sings too but also sword fights which her friends go to her games and cheer for her. Either sword fighting to gymnastics help her relieve stress. Her Zodiac is a Leo ♌️
     Crystal, she's very cheerful and very bubbly. She's a total tomboy with a bit of girly. She sometimes lies and gets away with it. She's very smart and has the highest grades and highest scores in all of her work and classes. She isn't emotional most of the time but if she cries it's for very important reasons. Luck is always on her side. She has a little brother and a loving mother and father but unfortunately they are divorced. But that doesn't stop Crystal from having any contact with them both. She has moved out of her apartment and found a new place to live due to dangerous neighborhood and the distance between the apartment and the school. But her life hasn't always been easy, she has dealt with a lot of bullying but her friends have helped her through it. She's not the type to let anything like that go so she has took revenge on all her bullies.....let's just say they have never looked at her or seen her ever again. Unlike Lyra she's a total social butterfly and can hold a long and interesting conversation. She hates being bored and always is up to do anything fun and can't sit in one place. She loves her friends dearly. One should not get on her bad side for one will be left scared. She has two sides to her. The light and dark and usually the light always shines while the dark hides. But that's because she chooses to let it be that way. Her dark only comes out when she is angered or hurt and that dark casts a huge shadow over everyone. A gloomy day will surely appear if Crystal is angry and very near. She does swimming and loves it. All her friends cheer for her. She's sort of popular in school which has its ups and downs. One thing she doesn't share with the girls is that she hates anime which Crimson always tries to make her see an anime but she always leaves or turn off the show. She's also very sarcastic almost like Crimson. Not to mention she's a foodie like Grim and she also draws amazingly. She is a Gemini ♊️
    Crimson, she's a very sarcastic and a funny gal. She's never fails to put smiles on her friends faces. But she can be very dramatic at times. She can't stand people hurting her and taking advantage so she always stands up for herself and fights for herself. She's very emotional due to her family and school issues. If she's sad everyone's sad and it makes the whole entire place gloomy. Once she's sad it's hard to make her happy again unless you say some weird jokes and usually she gives up to it and forgets her sadness temporarily. She likes to talk about her problems unlike the others. She's also very dirty minded which all the girls laugh about it. Crimson is obsessed with anime and music. She always forces Lyra to listen to Japanese songs but Lyra cant stand it, but they both love EDM and listen to EDM together. Like the others, she doesn't play any sports mainly because she doesn't like them, but she is an amazing artist and very creative at that. She always goes straight to the point and isn't a patient person. She can be loud and clingy at times but she's also a great story teller and has a lot of creativity in her. Crimson is also very insecure like Lyra. Her friends always encourage her but she doesn't really take that into account most of the time so she needs constant reminders. She is a Aquarius ♒️
  All these friends love each other dearly and would risk their lives for each other.
Stay tuned for the actual Chapter ~

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