?waking up to a surprise?

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Breanna's POV

I have just woke up and I see that Rico, Lance and Jade were still asleep, so I get up and do my morning routine, so I went into my bathroom and washed my face and grab my running clothes out and go into my bathroom and get changed. When I walk out of my bathroom I see that Lance is awake

Lance: morning Brea

Breanna: morning Lance

Lance: how long have you been awake for

Breanna: about an hour

Lance: why wake up so early

Breanna: just 30 minutes

Lance: why wake up so early

Breanna: not used to the time difference yet

Lance: ok I get that

Breanna: what about you why are you up so early

Lance: I'm a morning person so I like to get up early

Breanna: cool

Ricardo: can you to lovebirds keep it down I am trying to sleep

Lance and Breanna (blushes): sorry Rico

Jade: you guys are so loud

Breanna: sorry Jade

Jade: just shush

I didn't realize how loud we were talking. I feel bad for waking them up

Jade's POV

Breance think I have gone back to sleep but I haven't. There's something about Breanna that makes Lance act so differently and I need to find out what, but in all fairness it is sorta cute. I can hear everything that Breance is talking about

Lance: so why are you wearing that

Breanna: I'm going for a run like I do every morning, do you know any good routes?

Lance: I do yeah, how about I come with you and show you

Breanna: sure

Lance: ok let me go and get changed

Breanna: ok, I'll be here

I then hear Lance leave the room so I decided to "wake up" and talk to Brea

Jade: so, you and Lance are going running together

Breanna: I thought you were asleep

Jade: nope

Breanna: how much of our conversation did you hear

Jade: all of it

Breanna: (starts to blush)

Jade: (notices her blush and starts smirking)

Just then Lance walks back in the room wearing his running clothes

Lance: you want to go now Brea

Breanna: sure, bye Jade

Jade: don't be too long guys

Lance and Breanna: (roll their eyes as they leave Breanna's house)



Ricardo: what Jade, I was sleeping, wait were is Breance

Jade: they went for a run

Ricardo: Really

Jade: yep

Ricardo: ok what has Brea done to him

Jade: I have no idea, but every time he is around her he is acting differently

Ricardo: that is true Jade


Lance: so Brea are you enjoying your time so far in LA

Breanna: meeting you guys has made it better, but I do miss my old friends a bit

Lance: hey, I'm sure you'll see them again

Breanna: really

Lance: yeah you never know what will happen in the future

Breanna: your right Lance

Lance: ok do you want to go back to the house

Breanna: sure

Lance and Breanna then run back to Breanna's house to find an awake Ricardo

Ricardo and Jade: hey guys how was the run

Breanna: good

Ricardo: ok dude what's up with you

Lance: what do you mean man

Jade: he means, you've never done anything like this before

Lance: guys I have, I just have't told you about it

Jade and Ricardo: oh ok

something happened between Breance and I am going to find out what it was

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