💇🏽new haircut and old bullies💇🏽

763 32 1

Breanna's POV

I have decided that it is time for a change, so I get my hair cut short and I have highlights put into it. I then get a text from lance


Lance: hey BreaBrea what you doing right now

Breanna: at the hairdressers

Lance: why

Breanna: I'm getting my hair cut

Lance: babe

Breanna: look behind you


I am right behind lance as he is at the park. Just then lance turns round and he sees my hair

Breanna: what do you think Lanco

Lance: you look nice

Breanna: and the truth this time

Lance: I'm just not used to you having short hair

Breanna: I just thought it was time for a new me

Lance: you haven't change everything about your self have you

Breanna: not everything Lanco

Lance: that's good, I love you just the way you are

I then start blushing and lance kisses my cheek and I start to blush more

Lance: do you want to go and find jicardo

Breanna: sure

Me and lance then make our way to find jicardo, lance then intertwines our hand and I lean on his arm a bit. We have jut found jicardo at jade's house making out with each other

Breance: JICARDO

Jicardo: what

Breanna: stop making out and come on we're going out

Jade: do we have to

Lance: yes you do, and you two say me and Brea make out too much

Breanna: hey

Lance: I didn't say I don't enjoy it

I then kiss lance's cheek and once I had I grabbed jade's hand and as she had her hand intertwined with Rico's it pulled both of them up

Breanna: let's go

Ricardo: hold up what happened to your hair 

Breanna: so I change my hair and you all go crazy like it's a bad thing 

Lance: BreaBrea calm down, it's not a bad thing 

Breanna: then lets go then 

Jade: alright we're coming

we then make our way to the mall and I my phone goes off so I knew I have a text, so I read it and it is the same person who has been bullying me, and no Lance and Jicardo don't know about it, the text says:

~why don't you just kill yourself - Naomi~ 

I then take my hand out of Lance's grip and he notices the tears in my eyes

Lance: Brea what's wrong

I then run away from them and I bump into the person that has been texting me 


Jade's POV 

why did Brea run away and more importantly why was she crying 

Jade: lance do you know what is going on 

Lance: I actually have no idea 

Ricardo: come on we better go find her 

we then make our way to find Brea on the floor hurt and this person, who I have never seen before laughing over her 

####: you have always been weak Breanna

Lance: will you leave her alone 

####: and who are you

Lance: Lance, her boyfriend

####: that's even more hilarious, the freak actually has a boyfriend 

 Jade: who are you

####: Naomi

Naomi then looks at Rico and she goes up to him and tries to kiss him, which makes me mad, but Rico stops her

Naomi: please don't tell me she is your girlfriend, you can do better, or at least someone who is actually pretty 

I then feel tears forming in my eyes. out of no where Brea knocks Naomi down and she is unconscious. Just then a security man come up to us 

Security man: I'm going to have to ask you guys to leave, your banned from the mall

we all then leave back to Brea's but Lance had to carry Brea home on his back as she was too weak to walk. I can hear faint snoring so I knew Brea had fallen asleep on Lance's back. Once we got to Brea's, Lance took her up to her room and he changed her into one of his T-shirts and he brought her back down and once again she placed her head on Lance's lap. 

Jade (whispers): ok who was that Naomi girl 

I then hear Brea's phone go off so I look at it and it says:

~if you do that to me again b*tch, I'll make you commit suicide again - Naomi~

Jade (whispers): ok this is serious

Lance (whispers): what is is Jade

I then hand Brea's phone to Lance and he read the message

Lance (whispers): what does she mean by again 

Ricardo (whispers): what's going on 

Brea then starts to toss and turn, just then I see her eyes open, but she keeps her head on Lance's lap 

Lance: Brea what's this about 

Lance then show's Brea the message

Breanna: it's something I don't want to live again

Lance: ok, I'm not going to pressure you to tell us, but I just want to let you know that I am always here for you

Breanna: I know you are

Jade: so who was that-

I was cut of by Brea's faint snoring so I knew she fell asleep again. Once me, Rico and Lance had finished talking, Lance carried Brea bridal style up to her room, whilst me and Rico went to sleep on Brea's sofa and I knew Lance would be with Brea as she needs him right now 

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