Part One

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Dear Diary,

Okay, so today is my first day back at public school. My sister and I started homeschooling when I was in fourth grade and she was in sixth. Last year she started public school but my mom continued to be my teacher, which I loved. My mom was my best friend! So, as you can guess I liked homeschooling and I definitely didn't want to go to public school. It also didn't help that I already knew everything they would be teaching.
I did however come up with a plan. My plan was not to speak to anyone except for the teachers, but only when absolutely necessary. I thought it was brilliant, well up until lunch.
The beginning of the day went exactly as I had planned, I went straight from my locker to my classes without saying a word. I hoped the rest of the day would be like that too, but at lunch I sat down by myself, all alone outside. I was fine being alone, it didn't bother me, I just stared at the big beautiful oak tree that sat in the middle of the commons. It was so calm out there. Really the only noise came from the two squirrels, chasing each other around the tree trunk. I sat there, watching them run in circles up and down the tree and into the flower bed surrounding it, when I heard a voice say "Hi." I looked up at who spoke and was met with a boy my age, dressed in black jeans, black converse, and a black Green Day shirt. His hair was blonde and his ears were pierced. "Hi." I whispered, so quietly I could barely hear it. I hoped he would go away but instead he sat down, on the grass, next to me.
He didn't say anything for awhile, which would have been fine if he hadn't been staring at me. I wanted to ask him to stop, but I was too shy to say anything. After about five minutes he finally spoke up. "I'm Michael, by the way." He held out his hand for me to shake, I did, as much as I hated shaking hands with people. "I'm Jane." I spoke as loud as I could at the moment, which was just above a whisper. "I like it." He smiled and I felt my cheeks turn bright red. "Thanks." I looked down at my hands, while biting my lip. I continued to stare at my hands, until I noticed he was looking at me again. I checked to make sure there was no one else he could be looking at, and when I realized we were the only ones outside, I decided to ask him to stop. Of course it took me five minutes to gather up the courage to do so and by then the bell rang.
I didn't see him again until the end of the day when I was at my locker. I was putting the chrome book, the school made me use, in my bag when I saw him. He was a couple lockers down the hall, smiling at me. I gave him a small smile back and hoped that my sister would come to my locker soon.
She was supposed to come up to my locker so we would walk out together, and almost as if she heard me she walked over. As soon as I saw her I grabbed my bag up off the floor, closed my locker and walked up to her. "Ready to go?" I asked hopefully. "Yeah." She replied. She didn't even notice Michael, which I thought was kind of strange. I mean, yeah he was at least a year younger than her, but he was kind of cute and he had nice hair. Although, I might be the only one who would notice that in random people in the hall. I watched Michael as we walked away.
When we got in the car I let my sister tell our mom about her day first. She talked the whole ride home, giving my mind plenty of time to think about Michael. I wished he would get out of my head, but of course the more I tried to will him out of my mind the more I thought of him. I started wondering if he would try talking to me again tomorrow. I really hoped he wouldn't. All I wanted was to be left alone. I hated public school, and at the moment he wasn't making it better.

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