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I may not live to see our glory...

At first, the only feeling was numb. Ringing filled the previously silent field. Then, pain. An intense amount of pain that no man, women, or any other should ever feel. It stung hard and left a feeling of searing heat that traveled slowly.

Shouting could be heard all aroud, though to John, it was just muffled sounds. He doubled over in pain and landed on the grassy ground. His hand shot to his stomach. A warm liquid engulfed his hand. He brought it up to his face with the little strength he could muster. It was blood.

But I will gladly join the fight...

The heat traveled quicker and coursed all throughout his body. He could no longer feel the pain, it was numb again. He could feel a huge knot begin to form in his throat, yet when he tried to open it only the warm substance called blood dripped out.

He ached all over, now unable to feel the tingles from the grass below him. He felt like he was floating, like an angel soaring above the clouds, unaware of the disasters below them.

And when our children tell our story...

Countless memories flooded John's mind, each passing just as quickly as it had appeared. He could catch small glimpses of some of the memories, such as when Lafayette had been so dunk that he began rapping about dogs and then fell off the table. He also could see his mother's face, that was real. He saw all his friends together; Herc, Laf, and Alex. Heck, even Burr was there.

Then all the memories stopped. The last memory remaining as everything froze. The memory contained only that of a letter:

"Cold in my professions, warm in my-"

Then it all cut to white.

They'll tell the story of...

The words from the letter were imprinted into his brain as they flooded his senses.

"I'll see you again, Alexander. Just you wait."



The white haze slowly faded away as John felt himself regain consciousness. 'Is this Heaven™?' he thought to himself. He looked around, taking in the view. It sure as hell ain't like others would describe it; there were no giant gates, no angels with halos, there wasn't even a cloud-like floor. Instead, it was a room of a house. More specifically, a nursery. John became very confused until he saw a crib with a tiny child inside. He walked over to it, sneaking a glance at the child.

The baby couldn't have been more than 7-8 months old. They had light skin with a slight hint of freckles all around their face. Curly hair was strewn freely about. Laurens gawked at how cute the baby was, then he realized something. 'Why am I here with a baby? I died... right?' he thought.

Suddenly the door opened and John panicked. A woman came in and didn't take any notice towards John. In fact, she walked through him. John recognized the woman as Eliza Hamilton, his best friend(and secret lover)'s wife. Eliza smiled down at the child as she whispered, "My dear Phillip, you outshine the morning sun, my son."

'Phillip, what a perfect name.' John thought. Eliza left the room and John went to the crib again and smiled at Phillip.

You'll blow us all away.

An Angel for an Angel-Hamilton AUWhere stories live. Discover now