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Jacob pushed back in his chair, standing and stretching before sauntering out of his cubicle and down the narrow aisle towards the cubicle filled with raucous laughter. Sliding up in front of the small area occupied by two of his fellow agents, he smacked his hand loudly against the wall. Both agents inside jumped, turning with wide eyes and innocent looks to face their lead agent.

"Agent Jenkins, Agent Eli," Jacob barked out before the corners of his mouth quirked up into a smile. "What the hell has distracted you two this time?"

"It was all Jedidiah, sir," the raven-haired lad procclaimed, pointing to the blonde.

"You can't blame Jenkins for everything, Adam," Jacob crossed his arms, leaning against the cubicle. "You're supposed to be filing that report on the robbery at that Tiffany & Co.? Jewellery theft isn't something we take lightly around here."

"It's not him, Jacob," Jedidiah said slowly.

Jacob adjusted his brown curls, pushing them up into a windblown fashion on his forehead, "We don't have enough evidence to know who it was."

"We've been after this guy for over a year Jacob," Jedidiah pointed out, sitting on Adam's desk and picking up the manila folder filled with the latest theft reports. Yet, the manila folder didn't contain reports of the thief Jacob was looking for. Only Jacob had that folder. "I'm fairly certain we know his habits. Fairly certain you, of all people, know his habits."

"Plus there'd be a new video," Adam pointed out. "There's no new video."

Jacob had quite the collection of those as well. Pre-paid phones, video cameras, even iPods. All of them containing personally recorded video one of England's most wanted criminals. Troye Mellet. From the moment Troye had started his thieving, starting small, so small that merely the police were involved, he'd been making videos. But as time went by, and the man kept up his thieving, he grew braver, went bigger. He even became brave enough to share his name. That's when the FBI stepped in. And the feud began.

Jacob considered himself the cause of Mellet's more direct videos. He'd made the stupid mistake of speaking to a reporter, something he refused to do any other time for the FBI's privacy reasons. But he'd been angry that day, furious, and when he'd been asked about the case, he simply claimed, "By God I swear, the next time I see that man I'll put him in handcuffs."

The very next video Troye left, he had gleefully exclaimed, "The man on my trail is the oh so handsome Agent Bixenman? That's brilliant, really! It's a shame we'll never meet. Ta, Bix!"

From then on, Troye only spoke towards Jacob in his videos, simple things like, "Missed me again, dear Jacob. May I call you that? Well, you can't tell me otherwise. Really wish I could chat longer but I really should dash, now. Ciao."

Jedidiah was suddenly clapping his hands together, startling Jacob out of his thoughts, "Agent Bixenman. Earth to Jacob. We were having a conversation, remember?"

"I was thinking," Jacob's green eyes flashed menacingly, and Jedidiah sidled behind Adam as Jacob scoffed. "Anyway... just because there's no video doesn't mean he wasn't involved. Maybe he forgot one of his usual devices and couldn't make one."

"Are you kidding?" Adam chuckled. "There's nothing that crook loves more than to rub it in your face that he's already escaped."

"Well he won't escape next time," Jacob murmured. "We'll be ready, and we'll get him."

"Yeah-" Jedidiah began.

The lead agent's phone was suddenly buzzing from it's case on his belt loop, and he snatched it up and pressed it to his ear, "Bixenman."

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