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Just to play it safe, Troye prerecorded the video he would leave for Jacob before he hit his next jewellery store. He couldn't risk being caught, and he couldn't risk Nick Grimshaw trying to expose him again. But mainly, he couldn't risk Nick trying to kill Jacob again, because in his opinion Nick wasn't entirely sane and would no doubt give killing Jacob another go. And Troye kind of liked Jacob.

He knew it was crazy, he and Jacob should absolutely loathe each other considering their occupations, but Troye had developed a fondness for the attractive agent. Troye could tell he was an excellent team leader and that he put his team and his work before himself, and although he used those traits to try and arrest Troye, the thief couldn't help but admire him. It was strange, but Troye found himself wanting to befriend the agent. He just couldn't since Jacob was kind of out to have him arrested.

Troye kept his next robbery short and sweet. He crawled in through the air ducts on a Monday before the worker arrived, carefully picked the lock on the jewellery case, placed the jewellery in his bag, and then left the video camera on the case as he unlocked the front door, since there was no back, and casually slipped out of the building. The hotel he was staying in wasn't far off, and he strolled down the sidewalk with his bag as the sound of sirens sounded in the distance. More than likely the police. He knew that if Jacob and his team were alerted first every time then things would probably be difficult, but people were idiots and the police were idiots, and Troye always got away.

Upon reaching the cheap hotel, he took the lift up to his room only to drop off the bag, change from his black turtleneck and black pants into something less conspicuous. With that, he slipped back out of his room and headed back out onto the street, considering getting as close to the crime scene as possible. It was slightly dangerous and he knew how simple it would be to have his cover blown, but he was hoping he could steal a quick look at the lead FBI agent when he arrived.

He leaned against a building across the street, standing just outside what the police had blocked off. The FBI had yet to arrive, so Troye simply waited boredly as the police stood around outside the store and rubbed their hands across their faces in frustration.

"Idiots," Troye chuckled quietly to himself.

"I could say the same about you," a voice from behind him grumbled.

Troye startled immediately, whirling around in horror to find Nick standing with his shoulder in a sling and a scowl on his face. He forced himself to visibly relax, but his mind was still screaming at him for being so careless as to let someone sneak up on him, "Hello, Gremlin."

"I could scream your name and blow your cover," Nick smirked.

"And I could tell everyone that you were the one who tried to shoot a federal agent."

"Please do, I wasn't given proper credit," Nick sighed, and Troye rolled his eyes. He may or may not have mentioned Nick's first name in the video he had left, but he'd avoided leaving Nick's last. He wasn't about to give him the satisfaction. Nick continued, snapping Troye attention back onto him. "But the reason I'm here is... it's not you that I'm necessarily after anymore..."

"That's great," Troye turned back around to face the flashing lights of the police cars. "You should go back to abiding your time elsewhere, then."

"No need to be so rude," Nick laughed, and Troye felt the man's hand curl tightly around his forearm to tug him back around.

"Let go," he hissed instantly, and Nick did, but he stepped into Troye's view.

"You hate Bixenman, too, right?" Nick asked. "Hate his arrogance, his good looks. He thinks he's the toughest shit, and frankly I find it-"

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