25 March, 2012

357 33 6

Dear Mom,             25 March, 2012

I never told you the rest of the story from yesterday. I was really angry, sorry. But here is what happened: 

I walked away as fast as I could but he ran after me so I sighed and faced him once again. (Talking about the mind games) “What else would they be? When have you ever been anything but a dick to me? What reason could you possibly have for caring all of a sudden?”

I could almost physically see Liam considering the question. He seemed to be debating with himself over something; chewing on his lower lip and shifting his weight nervously. It was weird to see him looking so vulnerable all of the sudden.

Before he could respond though, I spotted two figures approaching over his shoulder that made my stomach drop. I gestured to them with my head. “See? Here’s your back-up come to finish off whatever you’ve been up to lately.”

His eyes widened and he whirled around.

There was no doubt that they were headed for us. Zayn flicked his hand in greeting to Liam, smirking as Louis called out to us. “We’ve been looking for you mate. It looks like you’ve caught us a fag.”

Liam didn’t respond, but took a step closer. I was suddenly nervous, stomach twisting and palms sweating. I’d gotten used to Liam during the amount of time he was around lately, but all three of them together reminded me why I didn’t like him in the first place.

They were dangerous and I was severely outnumbered.

I started to back away slowly, but Zayn saw me. “Oi loser! Where’re you going then?” He came up behind me and grabbed my arms.

I felt like throwing up and crying at the same time. I knew what was going to come next. 

“We thought you’d finally dropped out. Thought we had finally cleared the school of the last of the scums."

The tears were  falling at this point. I was totally helpless and alone.

Zayn looked up at Liam. “You wanna do the honors of throwing the first punch, Payno? Teach the fag a lesson?”

I couldn’t help but watch as Liam tensed his shoulders and balled his fist. His eyes were full of hate as he raised his arm..

And he sent it sailing straight past my head to hit Zayn.

Zayn let go of my arms and yelped out in pain, his hands flying up to his jaw, which a burise had already started to form. I fell to the ground and looked up in shock.

“What the fuck, man?” Louis shouted.

Liam just turned around and punched him too. Louis was more prepared though, and it barely grazed him. As I watched, he raised his own fist in turn and hit Liam directly in the temple.

Liam retaliated with an elbow to his stomach. Zayn had come to his senses by now and jumped on Liam’s back, trying to pin him back to give Louis access.

I was sitting lamely on the ground, barely able to process anything as the three were tangled in violent combat not too far away. I feel like I should have got up and helped, but I had no clue who I wanted to win. I hated all three with a passion and I had no idea what was even happening, for that matter. 

Liam somehow managed to shake the other two off and run over to me. He hauled me up by the arm and sprinted in the opposite direction, still holding me so I had no option but to stumble along behind him.

I could hear two sets of feet pounding behind us and started to run in earnest, not wanting to know what would happen when they caught us, but I am no match for Liam’s speed. He readjusted his grip to my wrist and pulled me along, forcing my legs to work faster than I’d ever thought I was capable of.

Eventually, the footsteps behind us slowed and then disappeared as our pursuer gave up the chase.

Liam and I flopped to the ground in sheer exhaustion, panting heavily. We were beside a path that runs through the nature reserve. I knew we were near the place where so many terrible things had happened lately, but I had forced that out of my mind to focus on Liam.

He had helped me.


His eyes were closed and his breathing had slowed to a deep and steady pace. Around one eye was a dark patch that was already beginning to turn purple. It looked real painful, and so without even thinking I stretched out a hand to touch it softly to check for swelling. His eyes snapped open the instant I made contact and I withdrew my hand quickly.

We studied each other warily for a moment, neither of us were entirely sure how to act around the other. I was the one to break the silence. “Why did you do that?”

He didn’t bother questioning what I was referring to, even though I wasn’t so sure myself. “I don’t want to be that guy anymore. The one who picks on people smaller than them, who beats people up just so that he can pretend he’s n..”

He trailed off suddenly, looking down. I followed his gaze and realised that he was still holding onto one of my wrists. I pulled my arm away and he let it go.

“Why did you punch Zayn though? Why didn’t you just tell them to back off?”

He laughed mirthlessly. “Do you actually think they’d listen to me?”

I was, and still am, surprised at how serious he is about this. “I always thought you were the leader though?”

“Hell no, they don’t care what I say. I normally just follow them.” He looked back up at me. His eyes were intense and I felt like turning away, but forced myself to level my gaze. I'm still not entirely comfortable around him, but at least I am pretty sure he isn’t going to beat me up any time soon. 

“I really am sorry Niall, for everything. I didn’t realize how much it affected you. I wish I could go back in time and undo it all. Can you forgive me?”

I searched his eyes. He meant what he was saying.

I blushed slightly, uncomfortable. Here was the person whom I’d hated for so long, who had made my life a living hell, now saving me from his friends and asking me for forgiveness. Too much had happened in such a short time, and I didn't know what to think. My head was spinning.

“I-I still don’t think I can trust you,”

Liam looked almost disheartened.

“But for what it’s worth, thank you. For helping me, I mean.” 

As I said it, I realised how much he helped me lately. Not only today; but who knows what would have happened if he hadn’t found me in that bathroom, even if it was just by accident.

I tried out a small smile, and he returned it equally as tentatively, neither of us concerned with getting to the animal shelter on time anymore.

The Price of Love - NIAM [IN EDITING]Where stories live. Discover now