Chapter 1: Coming Home

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Here is the first chapter, enjoy my lovelies!


Chapter 1:   

5 Years Later

The wind ruffled my hair and the sun shone on my face; I smiled, happy to be back home. The years in Virginia had been wonderful but they couldn't compare to the West Coast-- the place where I had built numerous, unforgettable memories during the first 13 years of my life. Dr. Wang, who was supposed to help Maya walk again, didn't succeed no matter how many therapies or operations he experimented with.

My family and I had arrived at the airport this morning where we were immediately greeted by my aunt, uncle, and cousin Cassie. We had been driving ever since. I looked out the window and noticed that everything looked the same; the cars, the buildings, even the people. After a few more minutes, we rolled up into Los Altos, the town that had watched me grow into the person I was when I left.

"I can't believe we're back home," I told my parents, trying to stop myself from bouncing excitedly on my seat.

"I know honey," my dad said, "It's been a long time and even though I tried not to show it, I sure missed it here."   

I nodded and went back to looking out the window. We passed the grocery market, the park, and my old school. After a good five minutes, we reached our final destination-- home.

As soon as the car came to a halt, I jumped out the door. I spun around and around, throwing myself on the grass. The smell was so familiar and brought back memories of my childhood. Tyler.   


It's been ages since I last saw my best friend and although we tried to keep in touch, we slowly stopped talking. Did he know I was back? Probably not. If he did, he would be here right now. I mentally promised myself that as soon as I set my luggage down, I’d go looking for him.

I felt a tug on my arm and whipped around, expecting it to be Tyler. It was my mom. Disappointment flooded me but I shook it off. Be happy, I told myself. You'll have plenty of time to see him later.

"Let's go in!" my mom said, not bothering to wait for me as she skipped up the steps of our house in the ‘special outfit’ she had worn to celebrate our return. The woman is in her 40's but yet she manages to act like an energetic teenager everyday.

Shaking my head I followed her up the stairs and through the door.   

"Welcome home Gray family!"   

I dropped my suitcase in surprise. There in my living room were all the people that had been a part of my California life-- my family, friends, the town pope, the store cashier, the Starbucks barista, the school janitor, etc.

Instantly, my family and I were surrounded by our guests, all who were giving us an infinite amount of hugs and small presents. I made small talk with people I’d never met, had a few drinks of soda, and partied my socks off (if I had been wearing any).

A few hours later, I was dancing with a guy who I went to school with before moving.   

My anaconda don’t

My anaconda don’t

My anaconda don’t want none unless you got buns, hun

I moved my body along to the beat of the music until the song ended. Feeling exhausted, I excused myself from my dance partner and walked towards the kitchen to get a drink.

When I walked into the kitchen, I froze.

Has your heart ever felt as if it was being stabbed over and over again until nothing was left? Maybe it was because your dog died, or because your friends all turned against you, but maybe, just maybe it was because you saw the person whom you spent 5 years missing, kissing a blonde limbo in your kitchen.

For me, it's the third one.  

Don't ask me how I recognized Tyler after all these year because I wouldn't be able to answer. He had changed so much. He was no longer the scrawny boy with braces whose shirts would always be covered in mud and grass. All the physical traces of the person who used to be my best friend were gone.   

This didn't hurt me though because I knew that my appearance had changed as well. What hurt was that he wasn't there like he used to be. The old Tyler would have done anything to be the first person I greeted when I walked through the door. This Tyler was hiding out in the kitchen kissing a stranger, completely oblivious and ignorant to my return.

I grabbed a cup and poured soda loudly into it, hoping to interrupt the duo's kiss. My attempts failed, however, so I loudly coughed. This time, they broke apart and just as recognition flooded Tyler's eyes; I walked out of the kitchen, forcing myself to not look back.  


 The party started dying down, but I didn't care. All the happiness I felt was gone. In its place, was numbness. I patiently said goodbye to everyone, trying to be the polite young woman my parents had raised me to be. In reality, I just wanted to go up to my room and cry.  

When there were only a handful of people left, I walked up the stairs to the second level of my house. I looked down the hallway and recognized the door to my room immediately.   

As I walked in, I noticed everything was just as I had left it. My walls were still covered in posters of my favorite bands, random things and pictures. I took a closer look and felt my heart twist painfully. My wall might as well have been called the Tyler and Brittany wall because all the pictures hung up on it were of both of us. Not being able to hold my tears any longer, I cried.   

Learning to swim, the first day of school, eating lunch together, and many more. Those were just memories I would have to hold on to.

Why did he have to change? Out of all the things that could have been different, it had to be him.   

I wiped my tears and tucked myself into bed, hoping that tomorrow would be better.

I was almost asleep, but then I felt a knock on my balcony door. I rubbed my eyes, and stood up. Who could it be? I peeked through the curtains of the door and froze.  



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