Camping part 1

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-Ben's POV-
Everything was perfect. Everything, no stress and we saved enough money for our camping trip, we were packing our stuff when Mal came to me, she was crying. "Mal baby are you okay?" I asked, "No! Everything's ruined!" She sobbed "What happened?" I asked, "You my king, had just been pranked!" Mal then appeared at the doorway, "And I was a huge part of it!" It was Liv! "I'm being really confused by the two of you, ever since your hair became like that Mal" I chuckled, "I'm gonna leave you two alone" Liv said, "So, what about my hair?" She asked, "Well, you look perfect with it" I complimented, "So you like my purple tips?" She asked twirling her hair, "I love it" I said then she leaned in, I also leaned in, then our lips crashed, we both pulled away, then she winked at me before going out, I love her, "Hey! Have you packed?" I asked, "Yeah, when're we leaving?" She asked, "At an hour or two, well, an hour and a half" I said, "Oh okay, see you later my king" she said, "Later my queen"

-Mal's POV-
Ahhhhh!!! He's so sweet, I'm so lucky, I was smiling at almost everyone who passed by me, then I went inside our room, everyone's inside, and I mean every girl that's coming to the trip, "Ooohhhhh, she's smiling!" Liv teased, "Why? Is it that bad?" I asked, "Yeah you look stupid, you're smiling without a reason, or is there something?" Jane asked, "Wow Jane, never thought you'll talk like that" Evie said, "Wait! She was from Ben's room!" Lonnie realized, I swear I'm blushing hard, "Mal did something happened?" Maddie joined in, "Yes" I said, "Mal's got a boyfriend!!!!" Andie teased, "Ooohhhhh" Audrey joined in, "Shut up!" I said blushing, "Says the girl who's blushing! So what happened?" Willow asked, "First of all, Willow, I never thought you would be the one to ask, second, it was just a kiss, that's all" I explained, "Sure, then why smile like a goof?" Maddie asked, "Fine he was sweet" I gave in. "Now pack up! We'll leave in an hour, that was actually supposed to be an hour and a half but you were talking so yeah, an hour" I said starting to get bossy, "Sure we'll pack, Queen Mal" then we all got to packing

*1 hour later*
-Ben's POV-
"Where are they?!" Chad said impatiently, "We're here! Sorry but we checked your rooms and Chad Charming you forgot to bring the food!" Evie said, while Lonnie handed Chad the food bag, "So! Let's start this trip!" Mal said excitedly, "Wait Mal, were not leaving... Yet" Carlos smirked, "Oh yeah" Evie smirked back, "Guys play it!"
(Ways to be wicked, video below)

"So you basically sang and well, performed to give us apples?" Maddie asked, "Oh no Maddie they didn't" Joey said sarcastically, and that just earned him a glare from Maddie, "So, shall we? By the way, an apple with a kiss on it? How sweet" I said while grabbing Mal's stuff, "Anything for my king" Mal said, "So, my beautiful and feisty wife, let me open the door for you" We saw Jay and Audrey being mushy and all. "Ew" Parker said, "Oh yeah, I forgot, Val's coming, right guys?" Audrey smirked, "S-she's c-c-coming?" Parker stuttered, "Guys! I'm here!" We heard from behind us, it was Val, "Hey, glad you came" Mal said, "of course" she smiled, we got to the bus and now our camping begins!

Sorry it was short, part 2 now in progress!

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