Chapter 4

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A/N: This is an AU one-shot based on the idea where people have a sort of watch counting down when they meet their soulmate (which I desperately wished was real lol).

"Mommy, mommy!" Makoto tried to get the attention of his mother. He tugged at her apron.

Amused with her son's antics, she decided to play along. "Yes, Makoto?"

"Tell me the story of the watch built inside of me again!"

"Okay, but I'm trying to make dinner. Do you think you can help me if I tell you?" His mom tried to persuade. Determination set in her seven year-old son's eyes. He nodded enthusiastically. "When your watch turns zero, you will meet the person you were made to be with. It is a truly magical experience, and you will be so happy. However, remember to check your surroundings before running to them." His mom's eyes turned sad. "There's been many cases where people don't see where they're going... And... Accidents happen." Her eyes turned sad.

Makoto remembered that day long ago. His mom always warning him to watch out when he met his soulmate. There had been incidents with people who had been too distracted the day that was supposed to be their happiest, to only turn into a nightmare. They would run in the middle of the street, not watching where they were going and a car wouldn't be able to stop soon enough. Makoto clenched his jaw and tears filled his eyes. His wrist read 00d 00hr 00min 02 sec and would never change. his soul mate had died right before his eyes because of this when he was ten. He remembered hovering over their dead body, crying over someone who he did not even know. People had to pull him back. Strangers looked at him in sympathy that day. His one shot at happiness was gone.

Makoto was now a first year in college. He moved to Tokyo for a fresh start. He tried to always stay positive and kind, despite what happened to him all those years ago. Mako had started unpacking his dorm room when something strange happened; his wrist vibrated.

"What the fuck?" Makoto murmured. He looked down to the god forsaken count down, and was startled. 1032d 23hr 59min 59sec and counting read on his wrist. Quickly, he pulled out his laptop and called his mom.

"Hello?" Mrs. Tachibana answered.

"Mom?" Makoto asked as he typed into google.

"Yes? Is everything alright?"

"Yeah, something strange happened..." Makoto explained to his mom and typed 'wrist re-set' into google.


"Well, Makoto," the doctor scrunched his eyebrows. "No one has heard of this case before. The count-down has never re-set. You said your original soul-mate died?"

"Yes... They were ran over by a car..." Makoto looked down at his wrist. 1027d 04hr 16min 23sec. A week since his wrist had switched.

"I see... Those are very upsetting cases. I guess all you can do is wait until it hits 00 across and see what happens." The doctor shook his head. "Strange... Just strange..." he murmured as Makoto walked out of the clinic.

'Waiting. I don't want to wait this out. Why did it switch?'

Makoto went through college, trying to drown himself in school work. His theory was the busier he stayed, the quicker the time would come. However, Makoto told himself to ignore it. There was no use hoping in something that meant nothing.


Haruka couldn't help, but feel giddy the day his wrist turned to 00d. Most people his age had already met their soul mate. He was happy though. Haru was able to explore who he was as a person instead of being tied down quick. His quiet demeanor put people off, but he knew once that special person came, when his clock would turn to all zeros, they would understand him. He was twenty, and going to college in Tokyo. Haruka figured he would meet his soul mate somewhere with a big population, but for him not to meet his soul mate by now was concerning to him. Butterflies erupted in his stomach. Was his soul mate thinking about him right now? Were they just as nervous as he was? Smiling, he knew they had to be. Confident, he went with his daily routine. Haru would meet them when he met them.


It had been years since Makoto last swam. Something compelled him to go swimming today. It was perfect weather, and he walked over to the pool the university had on campus for their swim team. His wrist read 00d 00hr 05min 02sec, but he didn't pay attention, knowing it was false hope.


Haru loved the water. It always calmed him. The swim team would always try to coax him into joining. "I only swim free," Haruka would always tell them. The team would always give disappointed looks, but still allowed him to swim, mesmerized by his skill. Haru looked down to his wrist 00d 00hr 00min 15sec. Anxious, Haru looked up and saw a tall young man with brown hair. He was talking to the team captain about swimming here for a little bit. The team captain was fine with it, as long as he didn't goof around. The young man turned, and saw Haruka staring intensely at him. Confused, Makoto walked up to him and held his hand out to him.

"I'm Tachibana Makoto. Do you need help getting out of the pool?"

Haru's wrist turned zero all the way across. 'Makoto...'

"Uhm... Hello? You in there?" Makoto joked. The person he was talking didn't reply. He just stared at him.

"Oh, don't mind him. That's just Nanase Haruka. He doesn't talk much," the team captain told Makoto.

"Actually, yes. Thank-you," Haru ignored the captain and grabbed Makoto's hand. He was pulled out of the pool. Realizing how strong his soul mate was, he blushed. What did Haruka do to deserve this beautiful person?

"No problem," Makoto gave him a small smile.

"So... Uhm..." Haru looked down at his feet. Not knowing what to do, he showed Makoto the 00s across. "Do you want to go get coffee or something...?"

"What?" Makoto asked confused.

Haruka looked up at him, and turned his face stoic. "We're soul mates." He pointed out bluntly. 'So much for thinking they were just as excited as me.' Hurt, Haruka turned to leave. "Nevermind then."

"Wait," Makoto said. He grabbed Haru's arm. "I'm sorry... I just wasn't expecting anything to happen-"

"Weren't expecting anything to happen? Your wrist told you it was going to happen," Haru didn't understand.

"I know. I just need to explain... Please, let me. You have no idea how ecstatic I am right now," He could hear the desperation in Makoto's voice.

"Okay..." Haruka could give him that. Besides, if this young man was going to be his soul mate, he would listen to him for hours.

Relief passed through green eyes, "Thank-you," he whispered. Makoto then explained to him all that happened. Haru's eyes turned into surprise, and when Makoto was finished, Haruka pulled him into a hug. "I didn't mean to make you upset. I just..."

"I know," Haru re-assured him. He couldn't imagine the pain Makoto had gone through.

"Coffee?" Makoto asked.

Haruka smiled, "Coffee sounds great." Makoto took Haru's hand in his as they went on their first date of many.

A/N: It's almost 2 AM so the ending may feel rushed. I might change it later, but I need to sleep lol.

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