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A/N Thank you for reading. Hope you enjoy!

I still remember when it wasn't just a mind game, 21 years old and i'm under the stress of finding out who this mysterious person is that sent an email dated back to 1998 March 1st also when i was only 2 years old. Weird right?

I've always wanted to be in a mystery kind of like Alison  Dilaurentis in PLL but i soon realized my entire life had been one.  To never meeting my Father and ending up with this void feeling in my heart to not ever seeing one photo of my self as a child.

Years growing up I never experienced the hole family nonsense thing, it just wasn't apart of my life. One day i might grow up to have a family but right now i have something else to focus on.

To say I've survived my life would be an understatement, its not as if i'm dead. I've just never had the family experience which resulted in going into foster care. Fun right?

I reckon i've done good though, i got into a good collage, i study hard for the degree i'm about to earn. I make a living out of my self, i don't wallow in despair. I pick myself up and if anyone gets hurt along the way, not my problem.

I've had my fair share of nicknames like "Loner", " Bitch", "Selfish". With all capitals.

In my defense i just don't let people get close.

Yes. I know. I push people away. Not my problem, its life get over it. I put on a smile, shrug it off and just go. Nothing can stop me.

Perhaps i just don't want people to know my story or i'm just not bothered to see the same pitiful face i always get. It sucks.

Maybe one day I'll get a friend who won't care about my story but care about me instead. That day will come sooner or later. But for now, This void cold feeling isn't going anywhere until I find out every single detail that had happened from my birth to today.

Isn't it funny how I say all this but there might be a change in me later in the story ? Well there isn't. This feeling doesn't just go away from a simple task. Oh no. It stays with you whether if it's deep deep down or not.

I will crack and when I do, doom will be at its peak.

I hope I get redemption in this, for all the bad I've done I hope get the feeling of being normal. I wasn't born into having a sliver spoon in my mouth, I was born into having a cheap $1 plastic spoon that was used 100 other times after the other kids.

To get through my problems I had to do things that benefited me but for others...not so much. You can call me selfish blah blah.

But there isn't a day I go not thinking about all the bad I've done over the good.

I had no choice.

I grew up to survive, when I had to steal I would. When I had to pickpocket I did. To me there is no wrong in survival. Just like a Lion against a Zebra. The Zebra try's to outrun the Lion but in reality everyone knows the Lion will catch up.

But in my case, I'm the Zebra and the world is the Lion.

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