Putting On A Play

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Over at the house of Peter Quince,a craftsman,things were almost as noisy.He had decided to put on a play for the Duke's wedding and asked five of his friends to help.

Peter Quince:Are we all here?Dellon?
Peter Quince:Fanny?
Peter Quince:Starveling?
Peter Quince:Snout?
Peter Quince:Snug?

(Peter Quince announced)
Peter Quince:The play I've chosen..is the sad,sad story of Pyramus and Terisbe.

Dellon wasn't listening.
Dellon:Oh good..I like comedy.Who am I?
"You'll be Pyramus.A young man in love with the beautiful Thisbe."Peter Quince told.

Dellon looked pleased.
Dellon:I'll make a brilliant Pyramus!
Peter Quince:And Fanny is to be Thisbe.

Fanny looked horrified."A girl?I cant be a girl!I'm...Im growing a beard.Eugh!And it means I'll have to kiss Dellon?!he said
Dellon:Oh!I could be Thisbe too.I'll speak low for the man and high for the girl.(He finished with a squeak)
Peter Quince:Fanny is Thisbe.He can wear a mask.Starveling is the Moon,Snout is a wall and snug is a lion.

Dellon hopped up and down with the excitement.
Dellon:Oh! Let me be the lion(cried...giving a firce roar)
Peter Quincr jumped in suprise.
Quince:You'd scare the audience away. Here are the words(handing out pieces of paper) Learn them quickly. We'll meet tonight in the forest to rehearse.

~To be continue...~

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