A Fairy Fight

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Later that evening,deep in the forest,Mark (king of the fairies) was in the middle of a fight with his dazzling queen,Thania. They were arguing over one of Thania's servants.

Mark:You should give him to me.
He followed Thania as she walked through the forest,nagging her until the Queen's head ached
Mark:I want a page to carry my cloak.

Thania turned away,her hair glowing gold in the moonlight.
Thania:Mark,stop it.He's my page and I'm keeping him.
She waved a pale hand and four fairies appeared.
Thania:Come!We're leaving.

Mark frowned.Thania had plenty of fairies to serve her and he needed a page boy. Grumpily,he sat on a tree strump and wondered what to do. After a moment,his face cleared.

Mark:I need help. Where's Puck?
In flash,his jester Puck hovered before him. Puck was the most mischievous fairy of all.

~To be continue...~

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