iruma x kiibo

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It have been two months ago,two month since the super high school level inventor worked on her new project,what project may you ask?a unique one to be exact.

Two months ago,iruma miu poured her everything into working for it,a new robotic intelligence that will change the world,to iruma it was only a new experiment,a way to test her incredibly genius skills that she herself put complete faith on,she asked the programmer to help her,which might I add,got on her nerves but of course by 'asking' I never said 'begging',it was more like 'commanding'

But the timid programmer didn't even turn her down a bit,and started working right away,since "the great archangel Iruma" can't program one measly AI.

Sumimasen you silly bakas.

But even now..

Iruma didn't gives up.

The body is almost complete. She has been slowly adding the final touches to breathe life into the hulk of metal standing at the foot of her bed. Buttons along the front of its chest, light up eyes, the ability to blush... she ended up redesigning the head the mechanic delivered to her completely.

Iruma had cradled the head in her lap to work on it-make its face gentler, more expressive, more human. She shifted it in her lap now, staring at her computer screen, running her fingers absently through the strands of metallic hair.

The A.I. has exactly two characteristics. Attempting to create the personality of her perfect partner ended before it could begin.

She had sat in her room for hours on end just typing and thinking and scrapping everything.

In the end, she decided to let the robot choose his personality for himself, in a way. Every trait but one is erased in order to pave the way for a curious, learning A.I. that will seek out information on its own. It will discover the world and form opinions and become a person right before her very eyes.

Iruma bit her lip as she finalizes the code. Part of her is absolutely terrified about what this means. She is taking a chance she knows she doesn't have to. Her fingers scratch at the robotic skull in her lap.

She ran the A.I. on her computer, and crossed her fingers and hopes.

A face matching the one in her hands blinked at her from her screen. Then it smiles and said, "Hello, Creator." Iruma clasps her hands over her mouth. "My name is Kiibo."

Her fingers were shaking, and she typed, "Hey, Kiibo." She worried her bottom lip. "Is everything running right?"

Its disembodied head nodded. "I believe so. You have done an excellent job," its metal face turned red. "I want to thank you, Creator, and also... I am very happy to finally see you."

Iruma's heart skipped a beat. She types, "Of course, you are," she flipped her hair over her shoulder. "I am the most fucking gorgeous woman on the planet, after all."

"I see!" it said. "I shall record that for future reference. But, that is not why I am happy to see you," Kiibo's eyes lock directly on to hers. "I am happy to see you because... seeing you makes me happy."

Iruma typed to tell Kiibo to give her one moment. She calmly placed his head on her chair, grabbed a pillow off of her bed and screamed into it.

She was gone too long, and Kiibo's voice called out "Creator?" from her speakers.

Iruma found hope.

She attached and reattached and holds up each part when it's fixed for Kiibo to see. His applause for her genius and exclamations of gratitude never dull.

Iruma was in the middle of explaining the better traction she just added to the bottom of his feet when someone knocks on her door.

Panic swelled through her.

She typed a quick message to Kiibo to be quiet until she got back. Iruma cracked the door open so she can peer one eye through to the other side. Kaede blinked back at her. "Ah, hello, Iruma-san," she said with an awkward smile.

"What do you want, blimp-tits?"

Kaede's smile grew forced. "I just came to see how you were doing since, well," she scratched the back her head. "Nobody has seen you for a while."

Iruma snorted. "So you came to fucking check up on me?"

"I guess," she gestured towards the door. "Can I come in?"

Iruma said, "Fuck no."

"Alright, well," Kaede said, racking her brain for anyway to finish the conversation. "Are you coming to the dance at least? It's in two weeks-"

"Two weeks?!" she slammed the door in Kaede's face.

She woke Kiibo up. "Change of plans, buddy, you're getting your body today."

Kiibo gasped in excitement. He began to ramble about how he'll be able to see the world and go to class with her and meet all her wonderful friends.

Iruma feelt the same panic bubble up in her chest when she had thought of anyone else seeing Kiibo. She reattaches his feet and dully answers his every question about her classmates with whatever half-truths come to her first.

Iruma told herself that he'll only ever look at her, that his metal heart will only ever beat for her. After all, that was the first trait she programmed him with. She repeats it to herself again and again and asks Kiibo to say the words she hardwired into him.

The projection of his face smiled. He says, "I love Iruma Miu!" like it's the most natural thing in the world.

She bit her lip. Her heart broke a little that only a robot she built herself can ever be natural when saying those words.


request more I'm always up for any ships or Xreader :)

Bye lovelies <3

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