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-When my mum says 'I have to tell you to.. *insert BULLSHIT*... or you dont do it'

like Mother.. which teen willingly does chores?! 

I think i should buy a 'Understanding Teens' book for my mum xD 

My mum:  'Tidy your closet'

Me:  'I did-_-'

My mum:  'yeah like two weeks ago!!'

Me:  'Thats not long ago!'

My mum: 'I have to always tell you to tidy your room, your closet, you never do anything without me telling you!'

Me:  'okayy I'll do it'

My mum: *stands there looking at me*

Me:  *looks at her*  'yes..?'

My mum: 'do it then!'

Me:  ' meant now?'

My mum:  'No i meant in two weeks time!'

Me:  'hehe okay!'

My mum:  'dont get clever. Just do it'

Me:  'okayyyyy'

and then my mum just stands there until i get off my butt and actually tidy my closet-_-

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