Chapter 1

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Once there was a parallel universe that was thought to be an infallible(35),
futuristic utopia(100) because everyone in it was euphoric(33), no one made illicit(47)
choices like robbing or killing people, or lethargic(28), in fact, everybody in the universe
always felt like they were at the zenith(40) of their life and were indiscriminate(83) with
genders and races (unlike our universe). This parallel universe was home to a young
man named Jackson Johnson but everyone calls him JJ. JJ has brown hair, brown
eyes, has impeccable(63) grades, a robust(78) body, can be a little inane(26) when with
his friends, and is on his school's fencing team. He is a little different from everyone else
because he isn't as maudlin(36) as his friends and family, he had a rudimentary(16)
understanding for everything but yet still gets A's, and doesn't exactly collaborate(11)
well with anyone but his friends. He thought that the place he was living in, the utopia,
wasn't what everyone thought it was because one day when he was 16 years old and
on the bus waiting to get to his stop, he overheard a conversation the guy behind him
was having on the phone about something big happening soon. Later that day when he
got home, JJ looked up into the sky and saw what he thought was some kind of
wormhole but it vanished as soon as he saw it.
For the next few days, JJ has seen the same man in the same spot on the bus.
He never said anything or do anything except look at his phone and make calls to
someone JJ heard the man call Mr. Prime(117). JJ thinks that it could be some kind of
clandestine(101) deal that wasn't very secretive but it was very ambiguous(21) because
he couldn't hear the conversation the best from all of the other vociferous(80) things
going on. The next day, JJ realized that it was Saturday and he didn't have school so he
couldn't take the bus. He realized a few seconds later that he had plans to go out with
his friends so he made a dexterous(2) plan that would allow him to go on the bus to
eavesdrop on the man and still go out with his friends.
When JJ and his friends got on the bus, the mysterious man wasn't there so he
basically frittered(24) his time with that plan so for the rest of the bus ride he just talked
with his friends about what they should get at Target for Christmas. When JJ and his
friends got to Target, they disseminated(43) and went to look for presents but JJ almost
got lost when he entered because it was so embellished(23) with Christmas decorations
that it was hard to tell what was what. JJ was going to get his parents a new computer
since he inadvertently(25) broke their other one when he was practicing for a fencing
match. When he went into the electronics aisle, he saw the mysterious man from the
bus looking at monitors. At first JJ panicked and tried to pretend that he was playing
with his Chrono(52)-Watch, the parallel universe's equivalent to an Apple Watch, and an
add came up that said if he were to watch it instead of skipping it, to use viewer
discretion(3) because it had some things that were very inappropriate. JJ, trying to be
discreet(252), slowly walked out of the aisle and into the next one. He was panicking so
much right then that he was oblivious(76) to the fact that his phone was ringing in his
pocket. JJ called the number back and his friends answered and said that they were
done and are leaving so JJ had a couple contingencies(102) to choose from, either go
back home with his friends or to stay and spy on the mysterious man.
An hour later, JJ was still standing in the aisle across from the man
eavesdropping and he found out that the man's name is Kevin Ubiquitous(39) and he
works for the one of the most popular companies in his world called Bananana Co. He
also overheard that the wormholes he has been seeing in the sky since that one day are
from some machine that will cause a lot of unnatural attritions(71) or also known as a
genocide(53) by opening a big wormhole in the sky and sucking the world into it. JJ was
seriously berating(31) himself with lots of questions like "when will this happen, why is
Banana Co trying to end the world, etc" but then one of those questions was answered
when he heard the person on the other end of the phone saying that this is because we
have too high of a proliferation(50) and that we need to stop being prolific(108) but then
he decided to stop listening before he made too much of an irrevocable(48) choice but
little did he know, it was too late to take it back.
After JJ stopped listening to the conversation, he went back into the computer
aisle after the man left and was trying to decide which one to get for his parents. He
tried juxtaposing(27) them, asking the workers if one had a detriment(1) compared to
the other, and finally picked one out that had an affordable price, was ostentatious(7),
and had the optimum(6) applications and storage like his parent's last one did. So JJ
bought the computer and took it home to wrap but on his way home, he saw another
wormhole but this time is was red instead of blue and he felt facetious(4) yet
despondent(12) and he felt like a zealot(20) but yet like he is regressing(37). He knew it
made to have been the wormhole thing in the sky because that was the only strange
thing that he could see that could make him feel like he was which is the opposite of
how he usually feels.

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