Chapter 2

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It has now been three months since JJ has seen Kevin Ubiquitous and a
wormhole in the sky and he is getting more and more estranged(32) from his father
because recently his mother past away from breast cancer and he had been coping with
the grievous(74) feeling by going out to try and find Kevin, which is a very sedentary(88)
job, but he still venerated(19) her at her grave by putting flowers down and her favorite
chocolates. Sometimes when JJ comes home his father asks him what he was doing
and other times, he just precipitates(49) him to go to his room. Unfortunately though,
this time was also a financial struggle for JJ because he is going to graduate in 7
months and he doesn't have a job anymore because he got fired so his dad has to
subsidize(30) him.
JJ is also now having a harder time in school, mainly English class, and you can
tell by the grades he's getting on his tests. On his last Vocab test he got twenty out of
sixty points so his dad grounded him and when JJ asked why, his dad simply said that
he instigated(13) it. (Here is the only good part of his test, the sentences even though
some of them still aren't, good the teacher just gave him these.)
1. "Over time, relics depreciate(82) in looks but rise in value."
2. "Most to all liquids have a nebulous(85) shape, they can make anything."
3. "Because people in 1776 had a scrupulous(8) understanding of rules, they made the
Declaration of Independence."
4. "The impetuous(34) winds from the tornado swept the man off of his feet."
5. "The twins had a liaison(64) because they were once the same thing."
6. "The Statue of Liberty(58) represents America's freedom and independence."
7. "Predators always scoff(17) their prey so that they'll get angry and fight back."
8. "Some people have a propensity(66) to eat when they are bored."
9. "The man I spy on has a very bureaucratic(92) operation and attitude."
10. "The roommates had an incongruous(105) mix of paint ideas for the house."
11 . "A biblio(112)graphy is like a way more advanced list of sources."
12. "My father and I have been solicitous(70) about my mom's health for a while now
and we were unfortunately right to do so."
13. "The charlatan(41) shamed(68) the kid by making him believe his toy was worthless
and then went and sold it for over $1 million."
14. "Today in the current world of politics, deals and laws are made so there is
15. "Why am I like this when I used to be such an inquisitive(84) student?"
16. "My dad is bolstering(81) me a lot right now and yet I keep equivocating(61) his
questions... why?"
17. "When I am in college, I will eat, sleep, and live in my dormitory(55)."
18. "I like to take out my anger in my favorite extracurricular(56) activity, fencing."
19. "I feel like I am being ostracized(94) from a very important plan."
20. "Last week I had a very fortuitous(62) encounter with my ex-girlfriend Patty."
"So as you can see Mr. Johnson, your son is coming up with some pretty, what
seem to be, personal sentences. Do you know anything about this?" JJ's English
teacher asked his dad.
JJ's father was silent at first as if he was thinking then he replied with a
sporadic(29) look on his face and said, "Well my JJ has always been gregarious(5) in
school and lately his path seems more diverged(44) then it usually is but I'm sure it's
just puberty."
"Not to intrude on your son's life but he seems dormant(45) when I'm teach and it
has been corroborated(42) with other teachers that are having the same problem with
him as me. If he doesn't start paying attention, I may have to give him detention(180)."
Mrs. Relegates(86), the English teacher, told JJ's dad.
"Now let me reiterate(97) myself," JJ's dad said in an angry voice that filled the
room with a very loud and vocal(60) noise, "In retrospect(15) JJ has been antisocial(51)
doing what he calls 'activities(59)' with his friends, but this school is an autonomic(91)
sanction(79) of this city which means that my boy is free to do what he wants and when
he wants to do it! I know that you're thinking about putting him in a recourse(96) class
for delinquents but if you do, I'll hoist(46) you up vicariously(10) and throw you out of the
window before I'll relinquish(38) him over to you. Is that clear?" There was a long pause
in the room.
Mrs. Relegates took a big gulp and reticently(77) responded with "Not if I
eject(57) you from this room first." She went to press a red button under her desk and
then said "I'm sorry but it is part of the Teacher Tenet(89)."
The room came out of the school and started flying up into the sky and it seemed
like the room was a dissident(22) and the school was an empire.
"Well it looks like this won't be reinstated(109)," Mr. Johnson said sarcastically.
"This is very superfluous(110) considering that this is all just about one student," he
This isn't about JJ," Mrs. Relegates said in an irritated voice, "this is about you
Mr. Johnson, or should I say 'Mr. Prime.' I will not squelch(18) my powers anymore in
this meeting because I am Ronda Terse(90)." the super heroine said (she's called Terse
because she is short.)
"Ah, I was wondering when I'd meet you and your shrinking powers, but please
just call me Prime." He said in an evil voice. "I heard from the Villain League that you
circumvent(72) traps by using your super sensory(9) power. Just think how
reprehensible(67) it will be when I destroy you which will be tantamount(98) to when I
killed you parents. I bet you have a rancor(168) for me because of that don't you."
"Yeah well just wait until I turn you into the Hero League and you won't get
exonerated(104) for murdering heroes. The only thing you'll get is being inundated(75)
with questions about what your company is really doing. I can verify(120) it right now
because you aren't anyone's 'Fido(113)' or loyal companion." Ronda Terse said as a
"Don't think I don't know what you're doing. I know you are just a distraction but
I'll give it to you, you are a very raucous(95) distraction. I have also heard that you are
resilient(14) but don't worry, I'll give you a solace(69) so you'll stop having to be so
Prime charged at Ronda and with a tenacious(99) grip, pulled her over his head
and she thought it was predisposed(65) that he would throw her since that is his go to
move but instead he decided(54) that it was too predictable so he used his
egocentric(103) side to think up a plan to use the cohesive(73) tape in the room
because he so full of himself because he caught her and wanted to brag so the plan
was to tie her to a rectangular(118) table in the floor after knocking her out so that's
what he did. With a big thud, Ronda was thrown against the wall instead of on the floor
and she blacked out.
When Ronda came to, she pretended like she was still knocked out and pulled
out a recorder to record the conversation between Prime and his employee(174),
She overheard them saying things like "...then get rid of the indigenous(106)
people" and "... who cares if you use a gun for symbolism(114), just get the robot
soldiers to be synchronized(119) and mandate(93) their orders!"
He turned towards her to see if she was still out and then turned back at the
window and said, "Cause a pandemonium(116) then replete(87) the population with
more cyborgs." He switched he communicator off then turned back towards Ronda. "I
see we both now have liabilities(107), you with the tied arms and me with the
"It doesn't matter," Ronda retorted. "The Hero League will be here any minute."
"That's where you're wrong because I've programmed this room to crash into the
middle of the ocean in less than two minutes. Plus as a little going away present, I'll tell
you the answer to the question you are thinking which is 'Why do you feel so much
animosity(111) towards heroes when you used to be one?'" He said in a very poor
impression of her.
"That is because the league left me for dead after the 2186 mission in the
Caribbean, but I survived, barely, and have been planning my return for the past
eighteen years. Now say good bye to your life and in that recording don't forget to say
Watch out for when November(115) comes because it'll be the last month the Earth will
have.'" He jumped out of the window and flew off on his jet pack.
Ronda struggled to get out right as the classroom crashed into the ocean. After
the water filled half of the room, she tried to teleport the drive with the recording to the
Hero League with what little power she had left but Prime came back and took it. As the
water slowly raised up, she used her future reading power, and she softly said "I wish
you luck JJ, for when the time you'll face your father comes closer and closer, you just
don't know it yet." Then she softly stated the centuries old prophecy that has been
passed down for ages.
There will be a day when good must combat evil,
Son must fight father to get the Power of Retrieval,
Friend must face friend,
And this will happen all within one weekend,
For when the time will come for young JJ will bloom
But he will not until he comes face to face with the impending doom.
Then, after Ronda finished the prophecy, the water flooded the entire room and
everything for Ronda fell dark and silent.

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⏰ Last updated: May 01, 2017 ⏰

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