Chapter 2- This. Is. Crazy.

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One week later

"And then she was like, you never listen to me, blah blah blah." I nattered to Tory. It was a beautiful day, 30 degrees, not a cloud in the sky. Tory and I took the chance while we had it to make the most of the sun. We were at our local hotel, the Hyatt, it had a man made beach, a pool and the best hot tub in the world. It was our paradise.

"Urgh, mothers. Hey, what do you think she is doing right now?" She replied.

"Probably eyeing up the hot basketballers, the lucky thing." My phone suddenly beeped, speaking of the devil.

Heyyy girlies, how is the Hyatt? Any hotties? There are so many here, it's crazy. I wish I was with you though :( see you tomorrow yeah? xoxo

Wassup Xanth? It's lush, not yet :/ no you have fun at basketball, but tell your parents that this is the last time they drag you away from us! Yeah, love you xxx

I closed my eyes, trying to soak up the sun. I was in the happiest mood, my diet and exercises had really had a positive effect on my body. Now all I needed was a killer tan.

"Oi, did you just flick water on me?" Tory asked, bolting upright. What was she on about?

"Nah," I said, keeping my eyes closed. "Probably some 5 year olds."

"Hey, we're not five!" An unfamiliar voice screeched. What the hell? We both sat up and looked around. No one in sight.

"Ergh, whoever you please just piss off, we're trying to tan." Tory yelled. I laughed, clutching my sides, oh god I'm actually chocking. I sat up and walked to the bar to get some water.

"Umm, h-hi. Ca-a-a-n I have a M-mount Franklin?" I asked between my splutters.

"Yeah sure, $1.50."

I handed over the money and waiting for the bartender to get my drink. Suddenly, I felt a splash of water on my back. I whirled around, trying to catch the bastards in middle of the act. Instead, all I saw was 5 boys, with their back turned to me sat on the nearest table. Apparently in deep conversation.

"Do you mind?" I asked, walking over to them. I heard one snigger, making the blonde one laugh too.

"I'll just take the carrots..." I heard him murmur. The blondey burst out laughing again.

"Louis, shut up." He said in an Irish accent.

Carrots. Louis. Irish.

Oh. My. God.

I quickly raced over to Tory and slapped her on her stomach.

"Owww, what the hell Kate? I was j-"

"Shutup, come with me, I don't know if I'm dreaming." I said, pulling her up out of her seat and dragged her over towards the boys. They whipped their heads back around when we were in eye shot.

"What's going on?" She exclaimed, shooting me a confused look. I grabbed my water and whispered in her ear.

"Think Irish, carrots and Louis. Think 5 boys."

Her hand flew up to her mouth and she gasped, her face had flushed and she started to shake.

"Holy Fother Mucker! Shall we talk to them, let's go say hi. Wow Liam's hotter in real life. Is it really them? Why aren't they turning around?"

"Victoria," I said, facing her. I only called Victoria when I needed to catch her attention, she hated it. "It might not even be them. Besides, we can't be like the crazy fans that go and scream into their faces, yeesh. Come on, they probably won't even want to talk to us anyway."

"True," Tory said.

"Lets go back to our sun beds, hey do you reckon they were the boys that were flicking water on us?"

We walked back to the beds, then it clicked, it was them.


"This is too crazy girl, I need to lie down. What if it's not them though?"

"We'll do some stalking in a minute, but right now I need to get in that pool, I am sweltering."

We raced to the pool, the cool water engulfed me, it felt so good. One direction, just those two words made me shiver. Tory, Xanthe and I had been directioners even before anyone else in Australia knew them. Tory was obsessed with Liam, Xanthe adored Harry, while I was convinced Zayn was my future husband.

I surfaced, looking around for Tory, when suddenly, I was being splashed in every direction. I could barely breath there was so much water, I quickly ducked and swam away, before breaking the surface I looked around to see 5 pairs of legs coming towards me, no. way.

"Marry me."

"I'm a leprechaun come with me to find your pot of gold."

"Vas Happenin' Sweet thang?"

"I saw you eating soup with a spoon earlier, when we're married you're not allowed to use any."

"Do you think my accents sexy?"

Louis, Niall, Zayn, Liam and Harry. All standing in front of me. Using their pick up lines. On a 15 year old girl. God was looking out for me today.

Act normal, no, act cool. You need to make an impression, don't let them see that you're freaking out inside. Act as if you don't know them.

"Uhhhmm. No I don't actually, especially not after you all practically drowned me" I said strongly, answering Harry's question.

He looked at me with wide eyes, like I was an alien or something.

"You're British! No way, why are you in Australia, and sorry, we

Iike to have fun with good looking girls."

"I moved." I replied frankly, feeling lightheaded when he said I was good looking.

"Kaaaaaaaaaaate, oh my god. Pinch me, I'm dreaming, OH MY GOD." Tory yelled, swimming frantically over to me.

Great. I thought to myself, so much for being cool and collected.

I slapped her, telling her that she wasn't dreaming.

The boys all laughed. They laughed at me. Wow, oh wow.

"So what makes two very attractive ladies come to the Hyatt today?" Zayn piped up.

"The weather." We replied in unison. I could feel my self turning red, Zayn had just called me attractive!

"I think I like you two. Not screaming in our faces, I like fans like you guys, marry me?" Louis said, inserting his lame pick up again.

"Uhm, thanks Louis, but how do you we are directioners?" Tory asked. The boys all laughed. Then I remembered and whispered in Torys ear. I swear we both turned scarlet, the reddest I had probably even been in my life. Our towels. The day we finally bring them outside. I heart one direction was written all over them. Oh god, talk about embarrassing ourselves.

"Sean, Will, Jake, Kieran, Adam!" A loud booming voice echoed across the pool.

The boys turned their head to look at the bald, squat, red faced man.

"Come on, we have to get ready!" The boys turned to look at each other and murmured.

"Sorry ladies, we have to leave. But you girls are really nice, please come back and visit?" Liam said looking at Tory, who was blushing even more now.

"Yeah, we need a tour guide for the Gold Coast," Niall piped up.

"YES! I mean... Yeah sure whatever." I said feeling butterflies in my stomach. "We'd love to."

They gave us a thumbs up and swam back to sure. I turned to Tory, and we burst out into tears. This was our dream come true! It was a miracle, too good to be true. But I was confused about the whole Sean, Will, Jake, Kieran, Adam business, probably just a cover up.

"Come on loser, let's go, we have a lot of planning to do!" She squealed.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 10, 2012 ⏰

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