The Queen

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Lauren's POV

I arrived at school way too early. I parked my car and then made my way to our H.Q.  Yes, we have a headquarter here. My friends, my siblings, and I are the only one allowed to go there. 

Few students are already here doing things that I-don't-care-what. Some greeted me as I pass them while the others didn't dare to even look at me. But I don't care.

I continued walking until I reached the H.Q. I unlocked the door and made my way to the back. It's really relaxing here and it's my favorite part of the H.Q. I pulled my book out my bag and started to read.    (Picture above)

I read in silence for a few more minutes until I heard the front door opening.

"Morning Laur" Ally; one of my best friends greeted me as soon as she saw me. I just nod my head not bothering to look at her.

She then left to I-don't-know where leaving me in silence again.

A good 10 mins. or more, the front door opened again then I heard Dinah and Normani; my two other best friends bickering.

"I really missed you tho" I heard Dinah say.

"Stop it D. Don't act like we didn't see for years. God, I mostly spent my summer days with you!!" an irritated Normani answered back.

I closed my book, holding it in my right hand and made my way to them.

Normani's POV

"Oh shit!" I mumbled to myself as I saw Lauren making her way to the living room holding a book. 

I didn't bother to answer Dinah as I continue to stare at her.

"What are you staring at Mani?" Dinah asked as she followed my eyes and her eyes automatically widened at the person standing a few meters from her.

"I-I-Oh h-hi Lauren" she stuttered as she greets Lauren.

Lauren didn't bother to answer instead she just looked at us sternly. My heart beat increased a little as she didn't make any move and just kept on staring at us. I know she got annoyed because aside from sleeping, she also doesn't want anybody to disturb her while she's reading.

She then made her way upstairs. Nobody dared to make any noise until we already can't see her. I then let out my breath same as Dinah. We then glared at Ally who pretended to be reading some magazines with a smirk on her face.

"What the hell Ally!! Why didn't you tell us Lauren's already here?" Dinah asked Ally while glaring at the shorter girl.

But Ally just shrugged while saying "You didn't ask" still a smirk plastered on her face.

"Wha-"Stop it D it's already done" I then told Dinah. Who glared at Ally but the shorter girl just gave her a cheeky smile. I sighed at Ally's playfulness. 

The three of us then did things to keep ourselves busy. But I can't take my mind off Lauren.  She started to be like that since the day we lost her. But then I can't really blame her tho. I know she's  been a big part of her life; our life actually. But she seems to be the most affected one in the group. 

"Let's get going," she said in an emotionless voice. We frown as soon as we heard her tone but then agreed with her. We then said goodbye to Ally who's taking the opposite direction going to the college part of the school. 

Murmurs are heard as we made our way to the hallways. Lauren is in the front and the two of us are just following her. Students make way as soon as they saw us or specifically Lauren.

"Guys the Queen is coming!!" one of the students shouted not-so-loud to alert other students in the hallway that Lauren is coming their way to avoid someone bumping her.

The hallway we're walking fell into silence as we pass by. As soon as we arrived at the locker room, Dinah broke the silence between us.

"Still the Queen of the school ain't you Laur?" Dinah said playfully earning a shrug from Lauren who's busy putting some books in her locker.

The first bell then rang.

"I'll get going" Lauren then said, again in an emotionless tone. A chorus of bye then followed from me and Dinah.

"Come on D I don't want to be late on the first day of class," I said as I started to make my way to our first class. Dinah and I are sharing all our classes while Lauren on the other hand only has 3 classes with us.

I hope this year will be better compared to the past school years.

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