2 Years Old

27 0 0

Anne met a man named Robbin, and Robbin did everything that he could for Harry. He did everything that he could for Anne. And Anne hadn't been this happy in a long time, and Robbin was just so... Nice, she couldn't think of another word because that's what he was. He was a gentleman, he used his manners, he knew had to cook, he had a job making way more the Anne could dream. And she she was pleased with that. It's not the reason she stayed. Anne was in love. He spoiled Harry, asked Anne him, and convinced her to quit her Job. 

Anne was a stay at home mother and she watched over Harry, and more than willing and glad to watch over Louis. Both in fact boys, so the women didn't their cliche movie. 

Harry was such a happy baby, he was always babbling but now speaking near whole words. He liked to jump and run around. But Louis on the other hand. Well, he liked to cry. A lot. When Joanna dropped him off, when it was nap time, and when it was feeding time, not when it was play time. Harry was able to stop that.

Every time he got any glimpse of Harry it was like he was whole new baby, He'd run up and hug him like he was famous and Lou was meeting him for the first time. 

But then he was crying when he got picked up. 

They would sit in the living room and the television would be running the back to them. It was for Anne and she didn't get too bored and risk felling asleep the later it got. Two boys is very tiring. The boys would have out and train track missing enough pieces to barely be getting put together at this point. But they never made the connection that the track was meant for a train and they always liked using their hot wheels on the track instead. 

But that's okay because they're just little boys. Harry always wanted to share with Louis, even when Louis didn't want the toy and really wanted Harry to keep it. So Harry got upset saying that Louis didn't want to be his best friend any more. It's probably one of the few times that Harry got upset and cried his little heart out.  He just wanted to share with his friend, but his friend wouldn't except it because "it was Harry's turn" and Louis could wait. Louis wanted it to be Harry's turn, He has had the last 3 turns, it was finally Harry's. 

But you know. Why didn't Louis want Harry to be nice to him? Why wouldn't Louis except his gift? Why did Louis tell him no? Who was Louis to tell him no? Harry would start to get upset that Louis didn't like him, and thought he could Harry what to do. So he'd throw his toy car and run to his mother while screaming. And Anne would know what the problem is every time. But it never changed. It was the same problem every day. Harry would be too nice and Louis decided that it was turn to be nice. But Harry wouldn't have it. He was the only who was allowed to be nice around here. But none the less. Anne would make Harry keep the toy for a little longer and make Louis take turn. But it wasn't like that all days, not at all. Sometimes, Harry just would not have it. Louis had to take that toy. He had to accept Harry's toy. Harry's kind generousness. His tiny little heart telling Louis he loved him by that little toy. Because that made sense to Harry. Robbin bought his mommy nice things. And Harry loved Louis of course, he was his best friend, so why shouldn't he give Louis nice things, like his favorite toy car.

But then, Johanna would come get Louis after her shift around 8. The boys would still be awake and Louis would be throwing a fit, because why would he want to go home? But you know, he cries in the morning when being dropped off because who want to to leave their mother? Ya'know? 

"So how was today?"

"Oh the usual, Harry getting upset because you son is so mean to my baby boy." It was the humor that Anne liked to use. 

"Well, maybe if you're little boy would stop taking my sons toys" it was sassy, but at the same time it was funny because they both know it was exact opposite of what she said. She would sigh, Force Louis threw the door to go to the car and she would yell over her shoulder "Same time tomorrow."

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