The Party

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Ian felt his whole world spin and his head throbbing in pain as he laid flat on the ground, moaning in pain.

"Ohhh, t-that's got to hurrrt!" He heard Bunnelby's mumbled voice.

"T-told you that wasn't a good idea...!" Patience drunkly nagged at the mudfish Pokemon for trying to walk on the Crew Room long table while consuming an entire jar of Shuckle Juice. On the bright side though, he did managed to consume the entire jar.

Ian slowly got up, his feet felt weightless as it wobbled uncontrollably. He eventually managed to stabilize himself and rejoined with the others.

"S-so... who's next?" Ian asked, the mudfish Pokemon had been told by Ampharos, that it was a traditional every Founder's Day for them to hold a game of "Truth or Dare". Buizel and Archen had went earlier, both daring each other to come up with the best insults, which eventually led to Bunnelby winning. Gadget went next, daring herself to eat four Tomato Berries at once courtesy of Swirlix, she failed after consuming the third one, running off to the Mess Hall to get a bucket of water to cool down her burning, she hasn't been back since. Then came him, which failed as well which led him to suffer a minor concussion.

"I'll go next." Dedenne said, who seemed the most sober among everyone else despite her size. "I'll go Truth."

The group wooed in intriguement, the first one to go for the truth route, Buizel raised his hand and volunteered to ask the question.

"Among all the guys here, who do you think is the most good looking?" Buizel asked.

Everyone turned their heads to the sea weasel Pokemon, all of them expressing mixed emotions, mostly raised eyebrows and looks of confusion.

"Honestly, ya'll look ugly as hell." Dedenne sarcastically said, letting out a dry laugh. "But if I had to pick one, I would go with Bunnelby."

"W-whaa? Whyyy?" Bunnelby asked.

"You have such cute eyes and ears! Every time I see you smile my tiny heart melts..." Dedenne exclaimed, shyly covering her face.

Bunnelby's face turned dark red as he covered his face with his ears and turned away from the antenna Pokemon.

"Oooh, someone's embarrassed!" Mawile exclaimed, giggling uncontrollably.

"It's... it's just the Shuckle Juice." Bunnelby lied.

"Right..." Ampharos said. "Welp, I'll go next! Dare is how I do things and by Arceus I'm going to do it stylishly!"

"Weeeellll, eeeff thatsss the c-c-case, theeen I got sumthin." Faith slurred, clearly intoxicated.

"And what would that be Doc?"

Faith picked up the last remaining Tomato Berry that Gadget failed to eat and handed it to the lighthouse Pokemon.

"G-g-give that angsty littttle shiiit someeee spice in her life!"

A surge of "Ooooooh" echoed throughout the Crew Room, with everyone eying on the Expedition Society doctor in surprise with her rather extreme dare. All eyes then turned to the Expedition Society chief, wondering if he was willing to take it. After a few seconds, the lighthouse Pokemon nodded.

"Let's get this done then." He said.

Gadget laid motionless on the floor of the Mess Hall, her head throbbing and mouth still burning from the Tomato Berries

"What the hell were you thinking Gadget? Eating all those Tomato Berries."

"It sounded like a doable thing at the time!" Gadget mentally spoke with the voice in her head. Part of her seemed worried that she was talking to a figment of her imagination, but anything was better than suffering on the cold hard floor all by herself.

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