Room 000

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Four people remained. Four. That was it. It was seven o'clock at the night and the bodies were starting to smell. There wasn't much they could do. If they left, they died. They couldn't take the bodies out because they'd die if they did. They couldn't do anything about it. Nas was sitting with Casey in the corner, Ricardo and Antonio weren't too far away from them. None of them wanted to be without one another. Casey rested her head on Nas' shoulder, staring at the chalkboard. "You guys ever think about where you'd go after you die?" She asked. Her voice was hoarse from not using it as long as she did. "Heaven or Hell? Or just... Not exist anymore?" She believed in reincarnation, but she was still afraid of death.

No one answered for a while, but eventually Antonio spoke. "I think I'll get into Heaven. I'm all about Jesus and stuff, I think I'll be okay. Everyone here is a good person, so... We'll be okay if we do die." That didn't make anyone feel better. The room was silent again. No one wanted to die.

Ricardo laid down on the floor, trying to get comfortable. "I'm gonna go to sleep, okay?" He said, closing his eyes and trying to sleep. Everyone thought it was a good idea. They all started to get comfortable and thought about sleeping. Even if it was early, they couldn't exactly do anything else. However, all thoughts of sleep disappeared when Ricardo started to scream in agony. They all jumped up and shook him awake. He sat up, panting. "Fuck, man. I just felt like I was being stabbed." He said, patting himself down to make sure he wasn't hurt. The sharp noise was back once again, they all looked towards the board. "No sleeping." It read.

So, they didn't sleep. They kept each other awake, talked to each other, moved around the room. They were determined to beat this thing. Whatever it was.

The hours ticked by. Everyone was exhausted. They were struggling to stay awake, even with the threat of death hanging heavy on their minds. Ricardo hadn't moved in a while, Casey was starting to get worried. "Rico." She called, crawling over and shaking him. He didn't budge. "Shit, Rico, wake up." She said, shaking him more. He was on his side. Casey moved him on to his back and backed away with a yell. His chest was bleeding, he looked blue. He wasn't breathing. "Fuck!" She yelled, getting up and looking towards Antonio and Nas to make sure they were still up. "Ricardo is dead." She said, feeling hopeless.

Antonio looked at the corpses of their friends. He punched a wall. "Son of a bitch! I'm getting so fucking tired of this room!" He yelled, throwing a piece of the chair that Nas broke earlier against the wall, breaking it more. "Stop!" Casey yelled at him and the room began to shake. Casey and Nas tumbled over and looked around the room. "What the hell did you do?" Casey asked Antonio, who was suddenly thrown against a wall. "No!" She yelled and tried to rush over to him, but was forced against the opposite wall. Nas sat there in shock. A stapler floated in front of him, the mysterious force held it close to his head. It pressed against his head and Antonio screamed. It continued to send staples into his body, all over his torso and face, into his eyes. The screaming never stopped. It seemed the stapler wasn't good enough anymore. It fell to the floor, but Antonio was still against the wall.

Casey's eyes went wide when a staple gun seemed to come out of thin air. The mysterious force continued its work on Antonio, sending staples through his body.

Casey and Nas couldn't believe what they were seeing. Antonio stopped screaming and and fell forward, dead. Casey was let go, she was crying. Sobbing. Nas walked over to her and hugged her tightly, trying to comfort her anyway he could, even though he himself was falling apart on the inside.

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