Room 000

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It was a long night. Casey and Nas fell asleep, not really meaning to do so. It just happened. Luckily, nothing bad happened. For now at least. Casey woke up first, expecting to be in her room, in her house. But she woke up in the Hell hole that was the stupid fucking classroom. She sat up and looked around. Her friends were gone. Their bodies. All the blood. Everything was how it was when they got there. She looked over at Nas, shaking him again. "Nas! Wake up." She said, looking around. Nas woke up quickly and looked around, shocked. "What the hell?" He said, getting up. Casey got up as well. "They're all gone." Casey walked around the class, wondering if it was all just some weird, awful dream. She would've believed that if it wasn't for her now short hair.

Nas looked around the classroom, going to the door and trying to open it. It was still locked. "They must've cleaned them up when we were sleeping." He said, trying to open the door again. Casey went over and tried to help. "What do you think our chances of getting out of here?" She asked, looking at him. Nas shrugged. "Less than zero." He said, trying to be funny, but now wasn't the time. Casey moved away from the door, looking around the room for something to open it up with. "Nas, help me move the desk. Maybe we can try to climb out of here." Though there was no window or vent. Nas climbed up on the desk, trying to find somewhere they could crawl in to get out. "I think we can try to break in the ceiling. This place is crusty as fuck, he can break anything." Casey shook her head. "No. Do not try to break anything. The room will get angry." She said, having a bad feeling. "Get down from there. I don't want you to die." She said, reaching for his hand. Nas reached for her and was about to step down, but a cold wind blew hard and Nas lost his balance. "Shit." Casey said, trying to catch him, but failed. He fell on to the floor. The broken chair impaled his chest, causing him to gasp in pain.

Casey stood there, not knowing what to do. "No... No no no!" She yelled and scrambled to his side, looking at the chair leg in his chest. "Okay... Okay, we can fix this. It's gonna be okay." She said, knowing she wasn't supposed to remove it. "It's gonna be okay, Nas... I promise. You're not gonna die. I swear." She got up and looked around, but there was literally nothing that she should wrap up the hole with. She looked back at Nas, but he was gone. "What..." She said, looking around. "Nas? Nas?!" She yelled, looking around the room. "Nas?!"

Room 000Where stories live. Discover now