Chapter Twenty-Six

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"You expect me to know where they are, too?!" Dr. Thorn is sitting beside me, studying my eye. I wince as he touches the tender skin around it. I whimper.

"My apologies. The fact is, Aurora, I have to do my duties as Mayor and contact the authorities if we do not get Molly back soon. If there is any way to get in contact with your friends, we need to do so as soon as possible." I slide away from him.

"My eye is fine." I say bitterly. He frowns, and places his hands in his lap. Whenever I am with Dr. Thorn, I feel my mistakes and sinful nature stand out more than anything else. He makes me want to be so much better. He makes me think I am capable of doing so. I lace my fingers in and out of each other, avoiding eye contact with him. Because I do not agree with him. I do not think I can do any better, because no matter how hard I try, this world will not see me to be any better. I feel the judgemental eyes of the society I live in burn through me. I feel they know every terrible thought, every mistake, and every hatred that has come from me. I do not know how to live past that. I do not know how to change the Aurora the world sees into the Rory I want so badly.

"Aurora, my dear, you must tell me where they are. I can go to them, and lay out the predicament we have found ourself in." I bite my lip, not knowing what to do. It seems like I never know what do anymore. I decide to trust him. Because he is one of the few people who actually believes in me, and my humanity. Even when I do not.

"They are in a little cottage not far from here in the woods." Dr. Thorn's face goes white in surprise.

"I- I know exactly what house you are talking about. Who are you traveling with?" My eyes flash between my lap, and his face.

"Titus Crilley, and Carter Rully." Dr. Thorn stands up abruptly. I stand up beside him, trying to read his expressions.

"Oh, dear Titus. Dear, dear Titus. What about his sister Lilly?" I look at the ground, positive I did not want to have watch another person grieve over Lilly. It hurts so badly. It feels like a wound in me being refreshened, and there was nothing to do besides watch the blood flow again.

"She is dead. Because of me." Dr. Thorn's head hangs.

"This has gone too far, love. This must end." I feel betrayed. As if I wanted this! As if I woke up one day and was like "Hey, I am going to make my life suck"!

"That is all I want, Dr. Thorn! My life is a living hell, and I just want it to end. I want to be the dawn like you keep telling me to be, but all I see is darkness coming from darkness, and light fleeing everytime it sees me! I don't feel like the dawn. I feel like the sunset." I sit heavily on my bench, and I cry. Dr. Thorn sits beside me, and places his hand on my knee. I just cover my face in my hands.

"A dawn does not come without a sunset, my dear." I sigh, and lay my head on his shoulder. This man has become the father I have always wanted. He is silent as I weep for the strength that I cannot find. The silence is welcome, though. His silent presence is all I need. His rattling breath is more comfort than any words could give me.

"How do you know Titus?" I whisper.

"I was his foster parent in that little cottage. But we had to give them up after my wife died. Kate knew them very well. We ended up adopting her." I close my eyes and imagine a little Titus, Lilly, and Kate playing in the tree house built for them. The trees around them swaying in the sun, and Titus climbing up one of them to find out what a bird's nest consisted of. Kate playing Mommy with Lilly.

"Did you miss them?" Dr. Thorn sighs a long rattling breath. He nods, and stops stroking my hair.

"Yes. It was the hardest decision of my life to give them up. But I know the family that adopted them to be very kind, and loving. They would be in a better home." Sometimes the best decisions we could make are the hardest.

"Titus is very grateful for you." Dr. Thorn closes his eyes and smiles.

"You and he are getting along pretty well, then? Titus doesn't open up about his past to many people." My cheeks burn.

"Uh, well, I would say so." Dr. Thorn laughs, and stands. I watch him carefully as he paces the walls. I wonder what he is thinking about. Probably whether Titus would be happy to see him or not. Whether Titus has forgiven him for giving them up. I suspect Molly will feel terrible when Dr. Thorn gives her back to her father. But that is the thing about Dr. Thorn. He is not afraid of executing justice, no matter the circumstance. What he feels is right, no matter how betrayed or hurt people may be because of it, he will see it through. And I don't know whether I agree with that or not. Because justice and mercy do not always go hand in hand. Sometimes you will come to a fork in the road in which they split, and you must choose carefully the route.

"Take care of him. I trust his judgement. The boy has always known how to distinguish those he loves and those he hates. Just, don't hurt him. He will not know how to look past it." I nod slowly. I wish I could promise that I wouldn't hurt him. But, the truth is, I don't even know who I am any more, and I don't know if he will like the Rory that I decide to be. I hope with all of my heart he will. I hope with all of my heart that I can keep him forever. I love him, and I hope he loves me forever.

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