They can feel your fear/The end of the light?

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But, it would probably never happen again. I started to see a weak light far away in the distance. Hope builded up inside of me as I increased my walking speed. The light got brighter for every step I took. Did I finally find the end of the cave? Was I finally free? Suddenly, it all was dark. The light was now gone and the same with the path I was following. I couldnt see or hear anything. All I could hear was my heavy breathing... And footsteps

Chapter 7

I could hear footsteps coming towards me, fast. I tried to find my way forward, but stumbled and crashed down to the cold, wet ground. I yelped in pain and got up again, feeling something sticky rush slowly down my leg. I shrugged it off and felt my way in the darkness by walking closely to the wall. The foot steps got closer and closer and I could now hear chain clingering at every foot step I heard. I could feel goosebumps creeping all over my skin, making me shiver. A few tears rolled down my cheeks as I felt myself falling down to the ground. I tried to get up, but something was holding me down, more correct, someone was holding me down. "Let me go!" I screamed and started to wiggle, hoping it would help. Something cold and sticky was now pressed to my neck. I couldnt see the person, but I recognized the persons voice immediately. "Y-you... You a-are that guy I-I met in that forest..." I half whispered, understanding that the cold and sticky thing that was pressed to my neck, was a knife. Wait, a knife?!. I started to panic, screaming and tried to get free. "Shhh... Don't make me cut your pretty little neck" He whispered to my neck, pressing the blade harder to my neck. I nodded slightly, closing my eyes. "Good. Now, your gonna help me to find someone" He said and removed the knife. I didnt know I was holding my breath until he climbed off me, and I could finally breath. I was dragged back up on my feets by him. "W-what if I don't want to?" I said a little cocky, now regretting for saying it. He slammed me into the wall and held my arms above my head in a tight grip. I whimpered in pain and closed my eyes, feeling his hot breath against my neck. "You don't wanna know..." He said in a huskey voice before making a small cut on my neck. I felt my hot blood slowly pouring out of the cut he just made. "Stop!" I shouted in pain. "Then listen to me" He said and held my arms in now tighter. "You're gonna help me to find Ethan" He said and finally let go of my arms. I rubbed my wrists gently and could see him now. "O-okey" I stuttered, still not so sure about if I could trust him. I mean, hello! He tried to kill me!. "Follow me" He said before taking a step back. I pushed myself away from the wall and walked over to him, keeping a small distance between us. He started to walk forward, looking back. "Are you coming?" He asked and held his bloody knife in his left hand. "Yeah" I said weakly before following him from behind, tugging my long dark hair behind me ear. The small minutes that went by was filled with only silent. I opened my mouth and broke the silent. "Who are you?" I asked and looked at him, now walking beside him. "Jeffrey, but people call me Jeff The Killer" He said and I could feel him grinning. "And you?" He said and glanced at me. "I-Im Bo" I stuttered and looked at him for a second before looking forward again. "Who's Ethan?" I asked and kept my gaze forward. He sighed and tugged his knife in his hoodie pocket. "He is my enemy. He killed my brother, Ashton" 

((Soooo sorry for not posting anything in these few days. But im gonna remember to try and post new chapters everyday. Byyyyeee, stay awsome and as my friends say, "fabolous"))

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