~Chapter 11~

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~Still Jack's POV~

I reached the middle of the Forbidden Forest, it was a large clearing,

"Hello?" I called out,
"Please... I..... I need your help. A very close person to me is sick, and she needs help I ha-"

"I don't need to here anymore boy." A deep growl came from the farthest point of the clearing, cutting me off,

"Who's there." I growled back,

"You were hunting for me, werent you? Then you should know who I am!" On the last sentence a large raven black wolf jumps out and tackles me to the ground, barring it's teeth, the wolf had a large scar across its right eye, which it's eye color was blue...

"What do you want boy." It snapped, without a word I lift the object I found in one of my memories that was never there, it was a necklace, with a white jewel of some sort hanging from it,

((Ok, so it you have read My OCs chapter in my Creepypasta RP you would know who this is RIGHT off the bat XD))

The wolf's eyes grew large,
"Where did you find it..." It seemed off guard,

"In the supernatural world, one of my memories... It was lying on a fallen tree..." I spoke calmly, the wolf tries to snatch it but I quickly move from under it and hide the necklace,

"Only if you'll help me, then I'll give it to you..." I said, holding out my hand,

"Grr..." The wolf thought for a moment,

"Ugh FINE! What's the trouble..." It gave in,

"Alright... There's a girl... Her name is (Y/n) (L/n), she is someone I love deeply... And she fell sick... Unable to wake up..." I felt a tear prick my eyeless sockets,

"Sounds like a coma... You know... Those are pretty tough to handle... Right?" The wolf seemed friendlier now,
"But there's a problem... The only way I can help is IF I have that necklace...." It walks up to me and stands tall, showing pride and trustworthy, I sigh, I hesitantly take the necklace and slowly place it around the wolf's neck, the moment it touched the wolfs chest it began to glow, I backed away. Then I notice the blue eyes pure white, my "eyes" widen in shock,

"Thank you..." The wolfs raspy voice now sounded female... Before I could even think the wolf turns into a tall pale girl, she has raven black hair and is wearing old-fashioned clothes.
Her eyes open to reveal the same sapphire blue eyes, yet the large scar across her right eye remained,

"Thank you for returning my mother's necklace..." She now sounded kind, and gentle,

"My name is Star.... Or since you are like me... You can either call me Dark Star or DS..." She smiles warmly, I nod,

"The deal?" I ask,

"Oh! Yes. I almost forgot... Please... Take me to her." I nod and start walking away when she stops me,

"No... I mean like this..." I turn to see her as a large eagle now, I'm surprised at first but soon walk over to her,

"Where would you like to ride? My back or.... My claws?" She chuckles,

"I'll just..." I jump on her back,

"Alright." She takes off into the sky and I nearly fall off,
"Oh, right... Hold in tight!" She laughed as she blew past trees and old out of town buildings, I could care less if I was killed for this... But all I could think of was holding her in my arms again...

Don't worry (y/n).... I'm  coming....

((Sorry for it being short, but I'm having writers block :( but I hope you enjoy the story so far!! See ya'll in the next chap!! Buh byeee!))

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