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A collab with:

Star wakes up. She stretches, and her stomach growls again. She gets out of her bed and looks in her closet. She considers wearing the light green dress, comfortable, unrestraineing, all things she wished for, but she wears the puffy blue dress, like she has been for the last week. Cleaning it each night, afraid of Moon saw her in anything else, it'd be strait back to Henious's school.

She exits her room and finds Marco and Ms. Diaz eating breakfast. The smell of bacon and eggs causing her stomach to roar with hunger, but she ignores it, just like Moon and Henious taught her to do.

"Want some?" Marco asks.

"Nah," Star lies, "I'm good."

Marco looks at Star, concerned. She's been losing weight since they met, way more than would be healthy. She rarely eats, and when she does, she usually goes to the bathroom right afterwards. At first Marco thought that she just had an uneasy stomach, but he has caught her two nights ago binge eating every bit of chocolate in the house, and forcing herself to vomit afterwards. He didn't say anything at the time, but knew he has to now.

"Well," Star smiles formally, "I'll be off to my quarters for my studies. Marco. Ms. Diaz."

Ms. Diaz gives a nod of acknowledgement and Star heads upstairs. Marco takes his plate and expains, "I think I'll eat upstairs. Still got some homework."

"Alright," Ms. Diaz smiles, "go on ahead."

Marco heads upstairs and hands Star the plate of food.

"You need to eat," he demands.

"I'm fine," Star lies, "don't worry."

"Look," Marco sighs, "two nights ago-"

Before Marco can finish Star's face glows green and she interrupts, panicking, "don't call Moon! Please don't call Moon! I threw it up! She doesn't have to know!"

"What, no,” Marco exclaims, “I know you threw it up, that's the problem, agh, look I know is none of my business but, you need to eat, you are losing weight very fast, that's completely unhealthy, please eat the breakfast, I promise Moon will never know.

“Why do you even care.” Star asks

“I’m not doing this for you,” Marco reminds to put on his facade, “I just can't stand another death”

“What do you mean by another?” Star inquires

“I… emm,” Marco notices his mistake, “ just eat the breakfast and don't mess around with my stuff.

Marco goes to his room and slams the door, planning that he will go check if Star ate the meal.

Star stares at her plate. A ravenous hunger eating away at her stomach, and will. She hides in her room to make sure nobody sees her and starts eating, not taking the time to chew as she wolfes down every bite. She looks down at the clean plate with intense guilt. If Moon was here, it'd be strait back to the school. She thinks about Marco, and how much concern he's shown for her. She wonders how he can act like a bad boy one minute, and the next, be so caring. That's when she notices a purple heart on her plate.

She panics. She flees to the rest room, slamming the door and looks at the purple hearts as they spread across her skin. Her hair begins to change to a purple color. She can't go through Mewberty. She's be sent back to Mewni. She has to hide this. She looks through the cabinets and finds some hair dye and face cream and begins to apply them to hide the purple.

Marco exits his room after hearing the bathroom door span shut. He sighs, and knocks on the door. "Star!" He demands, "you better not be doing what I think you are!"

SVTFOE: Perfect Star AUWhere stories live. Discover now