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↠ q u i n n ↠

Detention, on a fuckin' Saturday. Okay, maybe I've got into some bad shit. Maybe I deserve to be punished. But detention on a Saturday? Last time I checked, Saturdays were meant for sleeping and doing absolutely nothing all day, and then partying all night; you know, if you're catching my drift.But in no world or place should Saturday be a time for detention.

My older brother, Jesse, offers to drive me to school since my parents are lazy bums and aren't going to. Jesse is a complete opposite of me; book-smart nerd who got accepted into probably twenty plus collages. The parents are always tellin' me to get my grades up so I can follow his footsteps and be some kind of fuckin' mathematician angel child, and that's not gonna happen. Let's face it; I'm Quinn. All that x plus y equals the square root of 22 goes right through my mind.

Jesse pulls up to the school, where his fingers tap on the steering wheel. He looks at me for a minute as I sit there sullenly; maybe he'll let me ditch.

"Quinn, look at me," he says, and I did so. My eyes widen, maybe he is letting me ditch. Oh, I'll be so grateful for my prick of a brother if he'll let me.

"Hey, maybe this is for the better. I'm tired of different guys sleeping on the living room couch each night, you dig?"

I scowl and slap the back of his head, getting out of the car. I slam the door shut, giving Jesse the middle finger as I do. He grimaces and wiggles his fingers at me and pulls away.

I adjust my bag on my shoulder as I face the school. I shake my head, sighing. "What the hell did I do to get myself into this," I say under my breath, taking slow steps into the school.

Oh, right. Apparently smoking in school isn't allowed. It wasn't like I was smoking weed or something illegal like that. No, it was a cigarette. Still, the principal went berserk and gave me detention. And I also yelled for him to get the stick out of his butt hole, so that gave me Saturday detention.

The hallways are empty. Great, I'm gonna get murdered. I bet you any minute some psycho murderer is gonna fuckin' pop out of a locker and shoot me dead. Better than being in detention for seven hours, I suppose?

I'm directed to a room, the sign on the door reads 'Detention.' I grab it off the door, ripping in it half, leaving it on pieces on the ground.

I push the door open, where eight pairs of eyes meet mine. "You're late," the teacher at the desk says, pushing his glasses down the bridge of his nose.

I scowl, putting a hand on my hip. "Yeah, it that so?"

"Yes, now sit down." he points to a seat in the front of the room.

I mutter a curse or two under my breath as I sit down in the seat he tells me to. I look around the room at the seven kids that are here. I recognize them, but their names don't come to me. Let's face it, I can hardly remember my own birthday, and you expect me to remember some loser kids name?

"Welcome to detention," the teacher says, looking among us. He glares at me the most, those icy eyes of his giving me shivers. "No talking, coughing, sneezing, giggling, weird sounds of any sort, listening to music, and most certainly, no sex on top of the desks." I feel like the last statement was directed towards me. I guess I'm kind of well-know for having a sex addiction; well, he doesn't need to worry. I'm not going to have sex at school, nor am I going to fuck anyone in this room.

"If I hear any noise, at all, I will come back here and force you to watch a baby being born, do you understand?" I shudder. The baby movie in health was puke-tastic, oh, the joy.

A kid in the back raises his hand, shifting uncomftably in his seat. The teacher nods, letting him speak.

"Is that a threat?" the kid asks, a smug smile on his face.

"Do you want it to be?" he replies, giving us one more cold hard stare before exiting.

Alone, at last. Well, not completely, since there are seven other people in the room. I turn around, looking at them. I can finally put a name on one; Emily Sanders. The ice queen of this high school. I swear to God, she's like Daddy's little princess. Her dad will buy her any shit that she asks for, no lie. "Dad, I know that I smoke and drink and am possibly a teen mom, but can I still have five thousand dollars to go to the mall today?" "Oh, sure, sweetie, anything for you!" Excuse me while I gag a little.

There are two other girls as well, I don't know who they were, and I don't care. One just looks up at the ceiling, the other gives me a death stare which is weird because I've never met her before. Maybe she just doesn't like me; first impression is a bad one, I suppose?

Four boys, including the one who asked the question, all sit in four desks near each other, mouthing words to each other. So they know each other. They all seem so different yet they seem to go together like peanut butter and jelly. Like, you think it would be digusting when you first try it but then it turns out good? That's what it was like with these boys. Looked so odd with each other but then again, seemed to go together so well.

The kid who raised his hand looks like he belongs in Green Day, or maybe a children's television show. Maybe both. Like, one of those punk stars who have a knack for children's TV, you know? His hair is dyed black and purple and also looks like it's on the verge of falling out. Probably from hair dye overuse or maybe he's just really fucking bad at taking care of his hair. He wears a leather jacket even though it's 80 degrees outside, I can already tell he's a smart one; along with black skinny jeans, and scoffed-up Vans.

The next boy I notice is wearing a fuckin' bandana around his head, please someone give this kid some fashion advice, now. Curly hair, black jeans, he's pretty attractive.

The next boy looks Asian, I guess? He has curly hair with fringe that covers his face sometimes, and he moves it out of his face quickly. He wears a black sweater - damn these kids and their heads stuck in the wrong season! - and more black skinny jeans, I can tell this is going to be a thing with these boys. I think I might call them the black skinny jean bunch, from now on.

The last boy is taller than the rest, I can tell even though he's sitting down. He has blonde hair that is styled in a - what do you call it - quiff? He obviously used a shit ton of hair gel for that. He wears a tank top, bless this kid for realizing that it's warm outside, and black skinnies, what a surprise!

The black skinny jean bunch continues to chatter away under their breathes, the obvious baby being born threat meaning nothing to them. I roll my eyes at them, turning back around to face front. Written on the blackboard is 'Detention' in big letters, with a smiley face, almost saying "Oh, detention is so fun, let me smile about it!" So ironic.

I need to do something. I just can't sit here for seven hours straight staring at the wall. It's time to pull the world's best detention prank, ever.

I get up out of my seat, smirking. Walking over to the desk, I say, "It's time to fuck shit up."

this'll be fun.

ps there will probably be alot of cursing in this just a warning if u aint about that ayy lmao~~

detention · 5sos (DISCONTINUED)Where stories live. Discover now