The beginning

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3rd Person P.O.V.

Lazily pulling on her robes, Lucyna looks into the mirror, rubbing the sleep out of her eyes; her long auburn hair cascades down her shoulders as she prepares herself for yet another day at Hogwarts.

Lucyna would be what many consider an overachiever, but in her mind that is incredibly untrue. When she thinks of an overachiever, she thinks of Hermione Granger. Lucyna and Hermione have grown very close as the years had gone by, yet she still never could understand her complete fascination with old, yellowing books.

Lucyna glances over to Hermione, who had been taming her mane, and then looks at her own sleek hair.

Mindlessly, she twists her auburn locks around her fingers, thinking about her classes. She smiles widely as she thought of Harry and Ron, instantly excited for the upcoming weekend to Hogsmeade.

Lucyna steals a glance at Hermione's muggle alarm clock. Her eyes widen at the time, she was going to be late for breakfast!

"Hermione, we are going to be late for breakfast!", she exclaims to the bushy haired girl beside her.

"Merlin's beard, we are completely off schedule, and that's the second time this term!" Hermione grabs her school bag and scrambles out the door. Lucyna clutches her bag open, shoving rolls of parchment and bottles of ink into her satchel.

She glances around the room, and once she was assured that she had everything, she made her way to the Great Hall.

Draco P.O.V.

Snape grabbed my shoulder violently on the way out to breakfast, something about how he'll force that blood traitor, Lucyna Banes, to be my tutor in potions if I don't get my arse to work.
Pansy's annoying laugh rang throughout my ears, further driving me to insanity.
"Draco, won't you sit with me at breakfast?", the pug asked.
I began to smirk uncontrollably, "Pansy, I think I'd rather sit with mudblood Granger and the Weasel than you."
Blaise let out a howl.
"Cut it out, Blaise", I snarl. I know I'm being harsh, but really, this is breakfast, can't we all just shut up and eat? My 'friends' could be complete nuisances when they really wanted to be.

As I sat down in my usual spot, I caught a glimpse of Lucyna herself. Banes might not be completely repulsive like the rest of her friends, but she was still a Gryffindor.

Why was I even thinking about her, she was just supposed to help me pass potions, nothing more.

"See something you like?", Blaise jokes. I felt my face grow a bit hot.
"No, and if you know what's good for you, you'll keep your nose out of my business." I bark in response. Blaise gives me a confused look, completely taken aback by my sudden response.

I grab my wand and make my way out of the Great Hall to Transfiguration. As I made my way to the door, Banes made brief eye contact with me and I couldn't help but sneer.

Yeah, my father will definitely be hearing about this if Snape really thinks he will be able to force me to work with her. She's just as much of an insufferable know-it-all as Mudblood Granger. In fact, if I have to work with her, I might just politely ask McGonagall herself to turn me back into a damn ferret.

I fumed when I saw who was the first person in the classroom. Not only is Banes in my thoughts but she's also in my line of vision. Merlin she's approaching me, why can't this nightmare just end already.

"Malfoy, I expect you'd have heard from Snape that I am to tutor you if you don't pick up your grades" Did she have to be in such close proximity as me? I don't want to be able to smell the subtle hints of raspberries or her black juniper scented hair. Did she not have a conditioner that was less fragrant?

"I'll have you know that I don't need you as my tutor, Banes." She scoffed.

The girl started to move closer to me, and I was not only disgusted but sort of nervous. What the hell was she trying to pull? She came closer and closer to me until she just stopped and whispered into my ear. "Malfoy, have you seen your marks lately?"

"As a matter of fact, I have. I think they are pretty good regardless of what you and that mudblood think."

"Yeah, they're probably good in comparison to the marks that Crabbe and Goyle make in Potions. I, however, refuse to believe that you can't do better than this."


Professor McGonagall cleared her voice and began with what we were supposed to learn today. I stared Banes down for a good twelve minutes, when she turned around though I felt my face heat a bit.

Why was I acting like this?

Author's note: This is my first published book. Let me know what you think and what you'd like to see. Also I don't know how to make a cover can someone please help.


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